White Screen of Death

Hello, I’ve heard these words to describe a RoR application returning an
empty page.

This happen from time to time even here, in the forum.

That is the cause of this misbehaviour ? Is it related with something
external to RoR itself ?

What is the solution to avoid the WSOD ?

On 5/17/06, Nuno [email protected] wrote:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

The software running rubyforums.com is RForum by Andreas S… If
you’re experiencing some sort of recurring problem, here is where you
file a bug:


He is not describing a problem. He is just wondering what makes this
come up and how to avoid it.

On 5/17/06, Alder G. [email protected] wrote:

file a bug:



Rails mailing list
[email protected]

On 5/17/06, Nuno [email protected] wrote:

Hello, I’ve heard these words to describe a RoR application returning an
empty page.

This happen from time to time even here, in the forum.

That is the cause of this misbehaviour ? Is it related with something
external to RoR itself ?

I’ve had this sort of a problem when there has been a Ruby syntax
error. A good solution is to try the Ruby code in irb first to make
sure its syntax is clean.

What is the solution to avoid the WSOD ?

I think core developers use the console a lot to try new snippets. So
getting into that habit may be good. (I don’t use it quite as much as
I probably should)


On 5/17/06, Jon Gretar B. [email protected] wrote:

That is the cause of this misbehaviour ? Is it related with something

Rails mailing list
Rails mailing list
[email protected]

Well, mabye. But saying “I’m seeing a white screen” doesn’t help much.
At the very least, check the source of the page (if any) you’re
getting. Getting a blank page might be caused by a huge range of
causes, from a non-terminated tag to the webserver failing to
complete responses. It also depends on local factors, like the client

Just asking about “a white screen” is too little information.

On May 17, 2006, at 9:25 AM, Nuno wrote:

Hello, I’ve heard these words to describe a RoR application
returning an
empty page.

This happen from time to time even here, in the forum.

That is the cause of this misbehaviour ? Is it related with something
external to RoR itself ?

What is the solution to avoid the WSOD ?

The notorious WSOD you speak of refers to issues with session
management, etc, that existed in Rails 1.0. Avoiding the WSOD is as
simple as switching to Rails 1.1 :slight_smile:

Of course, there are ways to create a blank page within your own
code. If you’re on 1.1 and still seeing “a” WSOD (as opposed to
“the” WSOD) you’ll have to debug further.

-Derrick S.


Maybe this is not so helpful as you most probably ruled it out as a
reason already. I saw such a WSOD yesterday in my app, only to find
out that a before_filter returned false! development.log was my friend
at that time :slight_smile:
