I know it all depends.
I run a site which is averaging 150-200 request/minute or 200,000
pageviews per day on average. The load is handled over two webservers
on Joyent. I am presently using the default CookieStore as my
I probably would of not questioned my SessionStore but I am running
into two problems a couple dozen times a day. I am having problems
sometimes with both CookieOverflow (when user is doing friend invites
with the contacts gem) and InvalidAuthenticityToken (on
session#create). I know the SessionStorage might have no impact what
so ever on my InvalidAuthenticityToken but I am out of guesses for
that one.
Which storage engine do you recommend? What should I use. Any other
ideas for why I would be getting an InvalidAuthenticityToken problem
on session#create.
I greatly appreciate your feedback!