Which select?

Hi All,

I want to create a select list on a form with an array of dates from
a DB similar to this.
The date is used to search another DB for documents to edit.

2007-08-15 2007-08-22

Which if any of the selects would be best for this and
allow what has been selected to be marked as selected
until the choice is changed.

I have been using but never get the selected item to stick:

<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select
(@pubdates, :selected=>@pubdate)) %>

Thanks for any hints/references/etc


Tried it this morning but still won’t add the selected to the item

Thanks for the quick rely


leave out “:selected =>” and it ought to work

<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select
(@pubdates, @pubdate)) %>


I poked around and don’t know if it is a bug or feature ;-).

This works correctly:
<%= select_tag(:mydate, options_for_select( %w{ 2007-08-22 2007-08-29
2007-09-05 }, params[‘mydate’])) %>
Chosen item is selected when form is submitted

But this will not:

@pubdates is an array of dates from the DB same as above
@pubdates = Pubdates.find(:all, :order=>“pubdate”).map {|u|
[u.pubdate] }

<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select(@pubdates, params
[‘pubdate’])) %>

Any insight into making this work is appreciated


I was using a different name to put a second select for testing.

What I found was that ActiveRecord maps the list of dates to a
different data type than the params that it is comparing to(this is a
What ended up working for me was casting what was returned from
the DB to a string(I am a little green so I am not sure why this

The solution was:
@pubdates = Pubdates.find(:all, :order=>“pubdate”).map {|u|
[u.pubdate.to_s] }
<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select(@pubdates, params
[‘pubdate’])) %>

Now the chosen date is selected when the form is submitted and
rendered again.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction


<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select(@pubdates, params
[‘pubdate’])) %>

Any insight into making this work is appreciated

you’re using ‘mydate’ in the first example, but ‘pubdate’ in the

What I found was that ActiveRecord maps the list of dates to a
different data type than the params that it is comparing to(this is a
yes, if you store that field in the db as date or datetime, AR will
return it as a Date object. AR will return the column’s data cast to
the appropriate ruby type. i’m pretty sure all form params will be
strings by default.