Which Ruby flavor should I prefer?

Hi, all.

Which RoR flavor (Ruby 1.8.7, YARV http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YARV,
JRuby http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JRuby,
IronRuby http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IronRuby, or
should I prefer for building a mission-critical and
heavy-traffic/concurrency web site?
How is the future market perspective for that specific flavor?
Is it open source too (if not 1.8.7)?
How is the environment/language support if I ever need it?

Thanks in advance.

All the best,

I don’t have much experience with those flavors,wanna know the answer
of that question,too…

On Aug 5, 9:41 pm, “Pedro Carneiro Jr.” [email protected]

On 5 Aug 2008, at 14:41, Pedro Carneiro Jr. wrote:

Hi, all.

Which RoR flavor (Ruby 1.8.7, YARV, JRuby, Rubinius, IronRuby, or
MacRuby) should I prefer for building a mission-critical and heavy-
traffic/concurrency web site?
How is the future market perspective for that specific flavor?
Is it open source too (if not 1.8.7)?
How is the environment/language support if I ever need it?

There projects are all opensource. Right now, the only two that I’d
consider for deployment are MRI (ie ‘normal’ ruby) and JRuby, the
others just aren’t quite there yet (but the answer could be very
different in the not so distant future)


On 5 Aug 2008, at 18:48, RR-GYN wrote:

Which of those languages is supported by the current Ruby on Rails RAD

rails will run on either. In theory any ruby script will run on
either. A big caveat is native extensions, a native extension designed
for MRI won’t work with jruby.

JRuby has a lot going for it. It used to be slower than MRI, but it
more than holds its own these days. It also gets a lot ‘for free’ by
virtue of being on the java vm (eg the java garbage collector). On the
other hand, MRI still is the standard and with JRuby you will be
slightly off the beaten path (which isn’t to say MRI gets everything
right, see the recent security debacle).


IMHO you should start with MRI.
Like all that you learn so far, start with the basic.
Once you get it you should taste the others and decide by your self
witch cuisine you prefer.

On Aug 5, 7:56 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]

Thanks, Fred and Dejan. It was of great help.

Thanks, Fred.

Which would be more suitable for a heavy-traffic 24/7 web site: JRuby
or MRI ?

And, for example, if I adopt MRI today and tomorrow I want to migrate
to JRuby (or vice-versa) because of performance issues, what is the
compatibility? Would a conversion be a problem (i.e.: need a separate
project to convert from MRI to JRuby)?

Which of those languages is supported by the current Ruby on Rails RAD

Sorry for so many questions, but this is a critical decision for my
startup business strategy.

Thanks once again.


On Aug 5, 11:21 am, Frederick C. [email protected]