Which of this Book authors have converted codes to Rails 2

Which of this Book authors have converted codes to Rails 2.0.2…?

Here is the List of books that offered great support for building a Real
Life Web Tutorials along with Code in the past.

(1) Rails Solutions — Friends of Ed

(2) Rails Space — Addison Wisley

(3) Dynamic web 2.0 websites with Ruby On Rails ---- Packt Publishing

(4) Practical Rails - Social Networking Sites — Apress

Unfortunately… this books are good and useful, but the code are of no
use, since they are in Rails 1.2.

It would be great, if authors spend a little more time in converting the
codes and offer us Codes with rails 2.0.2, since the Books are good and
should be preserved on shelves.

If any one is aware about the converted codes in rails 2.0.2 then pl.
share the links here, as this will turn out to be the most useful thread
for each Rails Developer.


Well code is far from useless. It’s actually a good exercise going
through and trying to update it to Rails 2.0 style (or even to get it
to work with 2). A good resource for changes from 1.2 is


I do know that “Agile Web D. with Rails” is currently in Beta
and is in the process of updating to highlight the newest and best
features of Rails 2.0. And DHH is a contributing author!


On Apr 30, 11:00 pm, Web R. [email protected]

Unfortunately… this books are good and useful, but the code are of no
use, since they are in Rails 1.2.

You are not expected to type the code in verbatim. You are expected to
learn the
patterns and styles, and these have changed very little.

Put another way, you will never be able to code Rails until you are
Googling for every other new kind of statement you must write. How to
remote_function? What to put in a named route in routes.rb? How to test
redirect between actions? You would need to look these up, even if you
had all
four of those books, all moved up to Rails 2.0.2…

I have to agree with Philp. The best Rails book I have read is David A
Black’s “Ruby for Rails” The code in the first chapter doesn’t work
but the information in the rest of the book about how ruby interacts
with Rails is timeless. On the other hand there are “follow-me”
tutorial books that don’t really explain the magic behind the scenes
and having those not work would be pretty useless.

Google is your friend.