Which gem has a class like 'sorted list'?

For example:

sl = SortedList.new {|x| -x }

the block is sth just like for sort_by method

sl << 2 << 6 << 10 << 3 << 8

each time inserting an elem into the list,

the elem will be put at the proper position

sl # will be [10, 8, 6, 3, 2]

Is there any gem has such class? Maybe there’s no need to invent the

Joey Z. wrote in post #1053482:

For example:

sl = SortedList.new {|x| -x }

the block is sth just like for sort_by method

sl << 2 << 6 << 10 << 3 << 8

each time inserting an elem into the list,

the elem will be put at the proper position

sl # will be [10, 8, 6, 3, 2]

Is there any gem has such class? Maybe there’s no need to invent the

There are libs for binary search


and “sorted list” also has some hits


What do you need that for?

Kind regards


hi Joey,

maybe i misunderstand the question, but is there a reason that
Array#sort doesn’t work for you?

array = [2, 6, 10, 3, 8]

sorted = array.sort.reverse

p sorted

=> [10, 8, 6, 3, 2]

you could easily write a method for the Array class that does this
every time you add an element to the array…

  • j