Which Class called my Class?

I have a script that queries servers in our environment to assist with
patch-levels etc… I am having an issue and need to backtrace which
class called my class.

What I currently have
print “\nCollectData Failed 2: in needDate != yes & package == none

What I would like to have
print “\nCollectData Failed 2: in needDate != yes & package == none
#{hostName}, called from #{callingClass}\n”

collectdata.rb:class CollectData
collectdata.rb: print “\nCollectData
Failed 1: in package != none and needDate == no #{hostName}\n”
collectdata.rb: print “\nCollectData
Failed 2: in needDate != yes & package == none #{hostName}\n”
collectdata.rb: print “\nCollectData
Failed 3: in needDate == yes #{hostName}\n”
collectdata.rb: print “\nCollectData
Failed: #{hostName}\n”
rpmlist.rb: rpmInfo =
rpmmysql.rb: rpmInfo2 =

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Zach B. wrote:

I have a script that queries servers in our environment to assist with
patch-levels etc… I am having an issue and need to backtrace which
class called my class.

What I currently have
print “\nCollectData Failed 2: in needDate != yes & package == none

What I would like to have
print “\nCollectData Failed 2: in needDate != yes & package == none
#{hostName}, called from #{callingClass}\n”

If I understand correctly what you want, try using the command +caller+
to get what you want. It returns an array with current stack trace.