If I’ve got a simple bit of initialisation code
def initialize( blah )
@listener = Blah.new blah
and I’d like to add a singleton method to instance (because I don’t want
to monkey patch the Blah library) where’s the best place to do that? I
know I could do:
def initialize( blah )
@listener = Blah.new blah
def @listener.my_mental_method
self.give_it_up! "quickly"
but is this a good place to do it, or is there something more
eloquent/perfomant? I’d like all instances, wherever they are created,
to have this method, so is there a better way altogether?
Just wondering.
On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Iain B. [email protected]
def initialize( blah )
@listener = Blah.new blah
def @listener.my_mental_method
self.give_it_up! “quickly”
No self needed here.
but is this a good place to do it, or is there something more
eloquent/perfomant? I’d like all instances, wherever they are created, to have
this method, so is there a better way altogether?
First of all, I’d place the method in a module so you have less
definitions around. Then I’d extend all instances with that module.
That also makes for easy addition of more methods.
module BlahExt
def your_mental_method
give_it_up! ‘rather sooner than later’
The automatic part could be handled by changing Bar’s #new:
class <<Blah
alias _new new
def new(*a,&b)
_new(*a,&b).extend BlahExt
Note that this does not deal with inheritance nicely. For that you
could do something similar with Bar’s #initialize instead of #new.
If you do not need a global automatic I’d simply stick with
def initialize( blah )
@listener = Blah.new(blah).extend BlahExt
Kind regards
I think you can achieve functionality that you desire by using mixins,
modules and include statement… like this
module CoolMethods
def my_mental_method
class UnfortunateUserOfCoolMethod
include CoolMethods
Also if you need method on a class you can use extend intstead of
Best Regards,
Kresimir Bojcic
On 06.05.2011 22:15, Iain B. wrote:
Much appreciated
I’m glad to hear that we could help you. Thank you for letting us know!
Kind regards
On 28 Apr 2011, at 15:09, Robert K. wrote:
but is this a good place to do it, or is there something more
eloquent/perfomant? I’d like all instances, wherever they are created, to have
this method, so is there a better way altogether?
Note that this does not deal with inheritance nicely. For that you
remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end
On 28 Apr 2011, at 15:15, Kresimir Bojcic wrote:
class UnfortunateUserOfCoolMethod
Best Regards,
Kresimir Bojcic
Thanks to you both for the input. Sorry I didn’t reply sooner but was
snowed under with other things and wanted to think about it and do a bit
of research. I’ve been reading a lot more on what’s going on with
details of the Ruby inheritance model, all that stuff in the background
that I was getting along with fine without till now (which I think is a
testament to the language), and your answers helped.
Due to this I refactored things quite significantly so I’ve ended up not
using this directly, but I’ve gone further for it.
Much appreciated