Where would you put this parsing?

All floats that come from the front-end should be parsed robustly in
my app, where “robustly” is by the definition the method I paste
below :-).

The non-DRY way to do this is to add explicit code in each relevant
point in the actions where any of those possible values are expected.
I thought I could monkey patch AR::Base in environment.rb to be able
to declare in my models somthing like

parse_as_float :foo, :bar

which would generate accessors that would call parse_float before
delegating to write_attribute.

But that smeels like view-stuff in the model layer. That’s not a
problem for me, unless there is a cleaner solution. What do you think?

– fxn

def self.parse_float(n)
return 0.0 if n.blank?
n = n.dup

 # take sign and delete it, if any
 s = n[0] == ?- ? -1 : 1
 n.sub!(/^[-+]/, '')

 # we assume a dot or comma followed by zero or up to two digits

at the
# end of the string is the decimal part
d = n.sub!(/.,$/, ‘’) ? $1 : “0”

 # in the rest of the number any non-digit is ignored
 n.gsub!(/\D/, '')

 # done
 return (s*("#{n}.#{d}".to_f) rescue 0.0)


On Mar 28, 2007, at 3:01 PM, Xavier N. wrote:

which would generate accessors that would call parse_float before
delegating to write_attribute.

For the archives, I finally wrote wrappers for the relevant
ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column methods. The application
works automatically the way we need without touching a single line of

class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column
class << self
alias :original_value_to_decimal :value_to_decimal
def value_to_decimal(v)
if v.is_a?(String)
# We try first our parsing because the original method always
# returns a BigDecimal and there’s no way AFAIK to know
# the constructor ignored part of the string. For example
# gives 1, whereas we want 1.3.

  # This method is called both when dates are set in the model, and
  # when dates are loaded from the database. So we let the original
  # parser do its job, and give a chance to ours if it fails.
  alias :original_string_to_date :string_to_date
  def string_to_date(v)
    original_string_to_date(v) || MyAppUtils.parse_date(v)


– fxn