Where Webkit stores CSS

Hi to all,

I started to work on webkit for my exam and I have one problem.

This problem is related to the CSS parsing.

When the css properties for exmple nav-up or nav-down are declared in
the html I can test if element has these properties but when these
properties are in css file it seems that they are “lost”.

Does anyone know where webkit stores css properties from the css files ?

Coa Coa wrote in post #967811:

Hi to all,

I started to work on webkit for my exam and I have one problem.

This problem is related to the CSS parsing.

When the css properties for exmple nav-up or nav-down are declared in
the html I can test if element has these properties but when these
properties are in css file it seems that they are “lost”.

Does anyone know where webkit stores css properties from the css files ?

What does this have to do with Rails?


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Sent from my iPhone

CSS styles declared in an element’s style attribute or in a CSS file
should always be present in that DOM element’s .style attribute,
regardless of where they are declared. nav-up and nav-down are both
new CSS3 properties and I couldn’t find any info on Webkit’s support
or lack there of of them, so I would make certain that Webkit does
indeed parse and display these properly before tearing your hair out.
An easy way to do that would be using the Inspector.