Where to put Cucumber Utilities?


I use Watir\Firewatir with Cucumber. I previously used a framework
that object modelled the A-U-T; so each HTML page would be a class and
each object a method: this improved readability.

We came to the conclusion that this was over-engineering, slow and
boring; so I annihilated the object model.

However, there are utilities I still need for all sites e.g.

class DownloadedInternetFiles
def delete
require ‘fileutils’
cache = “C:\Documents and Settings\#{ENV[‘USERNAME’]}\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files”
cookies = “C:\Documents and
FileUtils.rm_rf cache
FileUtils.rm_rf cookies

Not sure where to put things like this. There are Helpers, but this
seems a little procedural to me.

Any thoughts?


On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 12:30 PM, aidy lewis
[email protected]wrote:

Not sure where to put things like this. There are Helpers, but this
seems a little procedural to me.

Any thoughts?

You can put them in any directory that holds Ruby files that Cucumber
For example features/support
