Where to put code for my own paginator?

I had to make my own pagination class in SQL Server. What I am
wondering is where is a good place to put the code so that every
controller and template can have access to it ?
Right now I have put it in application.rb, the controller base class.
This seems to work well, I did a project last summer where I put stuff
in the lib directory. The only problem with that is that if you change
any code at all in the lib directory, it seems you have to restart the
server or at least if you use webbrick. Anyway, if anyone thinks there
is a better choice let me know …

Also, I wish ruby allowed something like /* */ for comment blocks,
=begin =end seems kind of verbose …

you can make a plugin. it’s surelly the better idea about where to put
the code…

On Fri, 2007-10-19 at 17:26 -0700, [email protected] wrote:

Also, I wish ruby allowed something like /* */ for comment blocks,
=begin =end seems kind of verbose …

Carlos Júnior
[email protected]
Boa Noite BH - Os melhores momentos da noite
+55 31 87635606


Placing it in applicaton.rb is a good choice…