Where to place the session variable to access it in model

I have the model SDTicket and SDCi
has_many :service_desk_cis

after_save :update_sd_ticket
belongs_to :sd_ticket
def update_sd_ticket
self.sd_ticket.update_attribute(“modified_by_id”,#here I need value
from session)

I have a user controller in that session[:id] = current_user_id #here I
am setting current user id to session[:id]

 Could you please tell me how I can  access this value from SDCi

class above in the call back after_save

Thanks in advance

Sijo Kg wrote:

I have the model SDTicket and SDCi
has_many :service_desk_cis

after_save :update_sd_ticket
belongs_to :sd_ticket
def update_sd_ticket
self.sd_ticket.update_attribute(“modified_by_id”,#here I need value
from session)

I have a user controller in that session[:id] = current_user_id #here I
am setting current user id to session[:id]

 Could you please tell me how I can  access this value from SDCi

class above in the call back after_save

I can’t (personally). I would probably create an instance method in the
model inside which I would save the model (self.save) and do other
things like update the related model. If you do it this way you could
also wrap it in a transaction block to make the whole thing atomic - at
least you have that option anyway.

You’d pass the session value in as an argument to this method from the
controller; your model shouldn’t need to know about where the
current_user_id came from (ie someone’s http session). This makes
things more testable / less coupled.

That’s just my thoughts.

Daniel B.

self.sd_ticket.update_attribute("modified_by_id",#here I need value

I get the feeling from this line that you are confusing the
responsibilities of the Model-View-Controller. Yes, there has been much
blogged about skinny controllers and fat models. However, this does not
mean you should yank all of the controller’s responsibilities away from

In my understanding, the calling of “update_attributes” method is a
controller responsibility. Yes, it is the model that actually does the
updating of the data but the "message’ to provide the values to be
updated should be sent by a controller. It’s also the controller’s
responsibility to maintain a user’s session, so it also has access to
the session object.

This is how people get backed into the corner (or fall into the trap)
where they begin asking how to access session data in a model. It’s the
controller’s responsibility to decouple the model from the view and
controller. When you start mixing these responsibilities is when you get
yourself inot trouble.

Sijo Kg wrote:

I have the model SDTicket and SDCi
has_many :service_desk_cis

after_save :update_sd_ticket
belongs_to :sd_ticket
def update_sd_ticket
self.sd_ticket.update_attribute(“modified_by_id”,#here I need value
from session)

I have a user controller in that session[:id] = current_user_id #here I
am setting current user id to session[:id]

 Could you please tell me how I can  access this value from SDCi

class above in the call back after_save

Thanks in advance

But Sijo needs is justified when tracing “who” is doing something to
your model.


look into this screencast from Ryan B. (http://railscasts.com/
episodes/119-session-based-model). It provides with good leads for a
solution on what your looking.

In short what you want to provide your model with is an execution
context which will contain the user id (not the whole session).

What you have to keep in mind is to avoid putting anything at the
class level since it would prevent your code from bring Threadsafe
(which Rails 2.2 is supposed to be).

Jean-Marc Lagacé

Thanks for your reply