Where is wrong with contoller test?

Hi, everybody!
I got a strange question when I did a controller test as below
On controller.rb:

def send_welcome_message(person)
some codes;

the controller_test.rb:
def test_send_welcome_message
post :send_welcome_message, :person=>{:id=>‘2’, :name=>‘somebody’}
assert_response :success

when I run this test, There always said,

  1. Error:
    ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
    I know there maybe params are set wrong,
    but how can I fix it out? please help, Thanks!

On 9/15/07, OnRails [email protected] wrote:

Hi, everybody!
I got a strange question when I did a controller test as below
On controller.rb:

def send_welcome_message(person)
some codes;

Your action method needs to be defined without arguments:

def send_welcome_message
person = params[:person]


Thank you, Bob!
I depended on your suggestion to do that, It’s OK…
Now, I want to know why if I use
def send_welcome_message(person)
this way, I can’t get it?
anyone can help me? Thanks!

I’m not understanding what you’re saying very well, but I think the
boils down to the fact that you can’t pass arguments to a controller
that way. You couldnt call "
http://localhost:3000/controller/send_welcome_message(person)" from the
box. You would post to "
http://localhost:3000/controller/send_welcome_message" with :person
parameters in the HTTP request.

On a relate note, I would expect a method called send_welcome_message to
a helper function that maybe set flash[:notice] and redirected. I
expect it to be a controller method. Your issue may be that your doing
things in the wrong places and confusing yourself.

Hi, everybody.
I think that is a function like “def send_welcome_message(person)”,
and that is a model method like “def send_welcome_message”,
so when you defined “def send_welcome_message(person)”, you can call
it in your method, then you don’t need to test this function.
This idea is right or not? Could somebody tell me…

…*you’re doing things…

Stupid homophones.