Where is the latest capistrano info?

i am trying to figure out capistrano and am not having much luck. i’ve
read through most of the tutorial on the rails site, but am not having
much luck.

i’ve heard that the info on the rails site is kind of outdated and
being a beginner, i’m not sure if there is something i’m doing wrong,
or if the latest version of capistrano and/or rails has made things

so far, i’ve been able to successfully run rake deploy and have all of
the files moved to the remote server without problems. but it does not
run the migrations, so when i look in the database, everything is still
empty on the remote server.

also, while trying to troubleshoot my problems, it says that i can run
rake show_deploy_tasks to find all of the tasks that are available, yet
it gives me an error that says that it doesn’t know how to build that

if anyone can point me in the right direction, i would greatly
appreciate it… online resources, books, whatever.


I asked Jamis and he said he’s working on new docs.
