Where exactly are gems?

when you add a gem to the Gemfile and then run bundle install, where
does the command look for the gem? If you had “gem ‘rails’, :git =>
'github.com/rails/rails.git”, I assume it would update your
system .rvm gems directory with the latest github commits. But what is
the default repository that bundler looks for gems?


I usualy change it to vendor:

bundle install --path vendor


On Apr 27, 2013, at 12:19 PM, John M. wrote:

when you add a gem to the Gemfile and then run bundle install, where
does the command look for the gem? If you had “gem ‘rails’, :git =>
'GitHub - rails/rails: Ruby on Rails”, I assume it would update your
system .rvm gems directory with the latest github commits. But what is
the default repository that bundler looks for gems?

Type gem env in your Terminal from inside your project folder. You’ll
see the current lookup path for gems, plus a lot more helpful stuff. If
you use rvm or another multiple-ruby enabler, there will be one of these
per ruby version.


Rubygems .org is a default gem source with u dont specify i guess

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