I need to do some simply computations on numbers pulled from a file. I
get the numbers using “scan.” I’ve proven that I can get the numbers
alright. But, I need to do some division and multiplication on those
numbers, and, to be accurate, the numbers need to be floating numbers,
not integers. So, I’ve tried everything, or so I think, and Ruby keeps
complaining about my “.to_f” method. Can someone please tell me where
this .to_f should go?
tifffile = File.basename(ARGV.to_s, “.*”) + “.tif”
info = tiffinfo #{tifffile}
width = info.scan(/Image Width: ([0-9]{1,5})/)
depth = info.scan(/Image Length: ([0-9]{1,5})/)
res = info.scan(/Resolution: [0-9]{1,5}, ([0-9]{1,5}) pixels/inch/)
newwidth = width.to_f / 600 * 6
newdepth = depth.to_f / 600 * 6
I get this from Ruby:
sizer.rb:10: undefined method `to_f’ for [[“5100”]]:Array