Where can I find the pre-defined constants for the “head” method?
e.g. “return head(:method_not_allowed)” => implies
“:method_not_allowed” must come from somewhere
Where can I find the pre-defined constants for the “head” method?
e.g. “return head(:method_not_allowed)” => implies
“:method_not_allowed” must come from somewhere
They’re just the underscored names of HTTP statuses as symbols. You
can find a list of http statuses here:
return head (:method_not_allowed) sends an empty response with HTTP
status 405.
But where is the translation of the symbol to the error code number?
On Feb 12, 5:54 pm, Emery F. [email protected]
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 03:51, greghauptmann [email protected]
On Feb 12, 1:28 am, greghauptmann [email protected] wrote:
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(At least, that’s what Rails is using at master. Not sure about 2.3.x)
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