On 6 sep, 08:00, pipplo [email protected] wrote:
Hi Guys,
I’m experimenting with my first rails app currently. One thing I’m
trying to implement is a login system.
I created a model for user.rb I’ve added a couple of functions to the
class for example:
def self.authenticate(user_info)
def self.hashed_password(password)
So from user.rb function self.authenticate I can call
self.hashed_password and it works fine.
From another file (user_controller.rb) I try to create a new user
based on the authentication parameters, and then call authenticate on
that user. In order to do that I have to call
user_into.class.authenticate instead of user_info.authenticate…
I don’t understand what is going on here with def self.{function} and
the .class modifier.
Can someone point to me somewhere to explain? I have a feeling I’m
doing something wrong but I don’t understand what.
Hi pipplo,
When you define a “def self.function” method in yor User class, you
define a “class level” method.
When you define a “def function” method, you define an “instance level
Class and instance level define from where you can call a method:
If its class level you need a class and thats why you call it as
“User.authenticate”. Given an object it needs a .class after it to
obtain its class.
On the other hand instance level means your method is callable from an
object, so you call it as “my_user.name”. Also, since you need a
particular object of a class, you can’t call “User.name”.
“self” references to the object that called the method:
If you use self when defining a method, self references to the class
you are defining it for.
If you use self into a method’s code defined at class level ( def
self.method), again it references to the class (a class is also an
object itself).
If you use self into a method’s code defined at instance level, it
references to the particular object that called the method. For
instance: if you call “my_user.method”, “self” inside “method” would
reference “my_user”.