when_exe version 0.3.8 has been released!
- code: https://github.com/suchowan/when_exe (Please see README.md)
- demo: http://hosi.org (Preferences - http://hosi.org/cookies)
- gems: https://rubygems.org/gems/when_exe
- yard: http://rubydoc.info/gems/when_exe/frames
- wiki:
http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~suchowan/when_exe_wiki.html(Japanese and
machine translated English) - blog: http://suchowan.at.webry.info/theme/a543700674.html (Japanese)
when_exe is a multicultural and multilingualized calendar library based
on ISO 8601, ISO 19108, RFC 5545(iCalendar) and RFC6350.
Available calendars and clocks are defined as subclasses of TM_Calendar
and TM_Clock or using definition tables in CalendarTypes
Available calendar eras are defined using definition tables in
CalendarEra namespace
Eclipse notes for Japanese Calendar
Newly implemented calendars
- Proposals with leap weeks - http://hosi.org/cookies/LeapWeek
Pax - Pax Calendar - Wikipedia
HankeHenry -
Hanke–Henry Permanent Calendar - Wikipedia - Proposals with days out of week - http://hosi.org/cookies/OutOfWeek
Positivist - Positivist calendar - Wikipedia
InternationalFixed -
International Fixed Calendar - Wikipedia
Tranquility - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tranquility_Calendar
WorldSeason - World Season Calendar | Calendar Wiki | Fandom
(In these implementation, days out of week are included in the month
just before them conveniently.) - Proposal for combining tropical and anomaly year - ( in
http://hosi.org/cookies/LeapRule )
VanishingLeprechaun -
消える小妖精: suchowan's blog
and etc.