When are attr_reader type methods called?

I couldnt get a proper subject for the post but here is my question.
Its regarding methods like
attr_reader defined like below
You can do this in ruby

file a.rb

class A
call_this (“hello world”)

def call_this


The A::call_this is called immediately after I run the script.Becuase I
made the method print something and it printed it even though I hadnt
instantiated an object of the class with new.
What if the method uses some instance variables? wouldnt that be a
problem because its called even before an object is created?My question
is at what time during program execution are these methods called? If
there are more than one classes in a file then whats the order ? is it
defined by the language?
My guess is that these are like the equivalent of static member
variables in C, initialized before _main is called.?
Hope to get some clarification on this

On 12/20/05, Vivek [email protected] wrote:

there are more than one classes in a file then whats the order ? is it
defined by the language?
My guess is that these are like the equivalent of static member
variables in C, initialized before _main is called.?
Hope to get some clarification on this

Actually your code will generate an error. You can do this:

class Foo
def self.bar
puts 42


This will work as the method bar exists and belongs to the class Foo,
not an instance of Foo. This will not work:

class Boo
def hoo
puts “Python is nice, but I like Ruby better :-)”

hoo # this will raise a NoMethodError, unless hoo had been
defined further up the chain

Of course you can work around much of this with fun method_missing
maddness. In the particular case of attr_reader, they are actually
part of Module which is the superclass of Class, that is why you can
call them inside your class definitions – they are methods available
in Class (and you are defining a Class).


On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 04:09:33 -0000, Vivek [email protected]

there are more than one classes in a file then whats the order ? is it
defined by the language?

It’s top to bottom, as you’d expect. Does the following surprise you?

NewClass = Class.new(Array) do

 attr_accessor :myattr

 def this


puts (nc = NewClass.new).this
nc.myattr = 16
puts nc.myattr

nc[3] = “Aha!”
p nc

I just made a new nuby file trying out the attr_accessor and instance
stuff you asked about:


On 12/22/05, Vivek [email protected] wrote:

puts arg

puts X.instance_eval { @var}
puts X.instance_eval { @ivar}

I have a statement like @var = 1 inside a class method ‘call_this’
,but @var is an instance variable,so who come I dont get an error?

You are asking the right questions, if you are feeling adventurous do a
ri Class

X is also an Object – the variable @ivar is an instance variable in
that class. Similarly the instance variable @var you create in the
call_this method, becomes an instance variable in the class A. Try

puts A.instance_eval { @var } # → 1

Also note that if you:

puts X.instance_eval { @var } # → 1

And second
I read the documentation of instance_eval at The practical programmer
site…which says.

instance_eval obj.instance_eval(aString [, file [ line ] ] ) →

But here and in Ross’ examples we call it on a class ? Is the
documentation incorrect or am i missing something.

You were (because I know you got it from my pitiful explanation :slight_smile:
were missing that a Class is an Object.

Good Luck and keep at it

Ok …sorry for the wrong code.What I meant was do have a class
method.Thanks for the explanation …so now I have this below (I learnt
the instance_eval from Ross’ examples)

class X
@ivar = 1
def self.call_this
puts “call this”
@var = 1
class A <X
def some_method(arg)
puts arg
puts X.instance_eval { @var}
puts X.instance_eval { @ivar}

So I execute the above program and call_this is called. So I guess
these methods which are called in a class but outside any function have
to be class methods and are called in a sequential order as they are
encountered by the interpreter.
This brings me to another question
I have a statement like @var = 1 inside a class method ‘call_this’
,but @var is an instance variable,so who come I dont get an error?
Although when I try to print it out it gives ‘nil’ .Is this some thing
which ruby forgives ?

And second
I read the documentation of instance_eval at The practical programmer
site…which says.

instance_eval obj.instance_eval(aString [, file [ line ] ] ) ->

But here and in Ross’ examples we call it on a class ? Is the
documentation incorrect or am i missing something.

thanks again

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 10:05:44 -0000, Patrick H. [email protected]

On 12/22/05, Vivek [email protected] wrote:

But here and in Ross’ examples we call it on a class ? Is the
documentation incorrect or am i missing something.

You were (because I know you got it from my pitiful explanation :slight_smile:
were missing that a Class is an Object.

(OP:) See also my ‘Eureka’ moment:
http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/167586 .

I have a feeling you’re not far from discovering Ruby magic - stick
it :slight_smile: