What's your favorite RoR editor/IDE?

I’m a quarter of the way through Agile, and so far I’ve tried a few
editors. NetBeans 6 seems fully featured, but I’m finding it clunky for
me. InType is light and clean but doesn’t have any code completion or
advanced features. I’m kind of looking for something in the middle.

Ideally I’d find something like HomeSite, which I love and has about the
right amount of features while staying out of your way. What else is out
there that works well for Ruby?

Not sure what OS your using but TextMate is great if your on Mac.
There is a windows port called e, http://www.e-texteditor.com/.

Komodo Edit is free and works pretty well. It needs more than a
minimal configuration to run okay. On the Mac, a lot of people like
Textmate. I find the ‘e’ texteditor just fine for a windows laptop –
it’s cheap but it’s not free. Komodo Edit pauses and goes to sleep
(or garbage collects) on my half-gig laptop, I simply ran out of
patience. Both ‘e’ and Komodo edit do just fine with Ruby and Rails.
Komodo has more features. The full Komodo IDE is expensive, so I’ve
skipped it.

The Aptana IDE is free but is a tremendous resource hog compared to
the others. It has good functionality but goes to sleep for extended
periods. Some people blame the Java/Eclipse underpinnings of Aptana
for it’s lack of responsiveness.

If your a really good emacs hacker you can make emacs do what you want
but it seemed it was taking forever to configure and then it didn’t
work right for me. Last time I looked there are about three or four
different packages you have to integrate into emacs to get it play as
nice as the others.

I hear good things about vim. I’ve heard that NetBeans is good but a
resource hog.

Visual Slickedit has a fantastic feature set but is definitely not
free and not oriented toward Ruby and Rails, the last time I looked.


Michael B. wrote:

Not sure what OS your using but TextMate is great if your on Mac.
There is a windows port called e, http://www.e-texteditor.com/.

Oops, sorry on a PC.

I’ve just found this:


For HomeSite, I’m going to give it a whirl. I really don’t want to deal
with the “heavier” apps, especially those running in java (ugh).

Tom D. wrote:

Ideally I’d find something like HomeSite, which I love and has about the
right amount of features while staying out of your way. What else is out
there that works well for Ruby?

I have used vim with vim-ruby and cream (vim configured for gui) with
vim-ruby and Komodo. For Linux I prefer vim with vim-ruby. For
MS-Windows I am presently tring out Komodo. I used Cream and vim on
Window but I just could not seem to get the configuration right for Ruby
and Rails.

I’m very happy with Ruby in Steel (http://www.sapphiresteel.com/). The
Intellisense code completion and the proper debugger really set this
one apart. The basic version is free but you will need a copy of
Visual Studio. (And if you’re on a Mac, like me, you need to use a VM
as well)

On Dec 2, 6:02 pm, Tom D. [email protected]

As far as emacs goes, i’ve been pretty happy with rails-on-emacs:

To set up:

cd .emacs.d
svn checkout svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/emacs-rails/trunk rails
wget http://www.kazmier.com/computer/snippet.el
wget http://www.webweavertech.com/ovidiu/emacs/find-recursive.txt -O
-O inf-ruby.el

then, add to your .emacs file:

;;; emacs ruby on rails mode
(setq load-path (cons “~/.emacs.d/rails” load-path))
(require 'rails)
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook '(lambda () (menu-bar-mode 1)))

make sure you use the toolbar when you first start. there are a lot of
commands to flip between controllers, views, test, etc. similar to
Textmate, but it may take a while to learn the new keyboard habits.

Of course it depends on the development platform. While using Windows,
I normally have Visual Studio (with a small extension for it), but on
OS X the best editor is definitely TextMate. I wrote two short
articles about these, you can take a quick look on them here:

Using Visual Studio as a Ruby On Rails IDE

TextMate: The best Ruby On Rails editor for OS X


On Dec 2, 5:02 pm, Tom D. [email protected]

Thanks for all the suggestions. Last night I installed RailsSite for
HomeSite, I had to upgrade to 5.5 (only $29). Right now that is working
great for me. Since I’m so familiar with the interface, it will be easy
to customize oft-used commands. Plus, it came with a host of snippets
already. I recommend it for any HS users out there.

I never thought I’d say this, but… vim! I have a Windows at home and
Ubuntu at work - same environment!


On Dec 3, 2007 1:02 AM, Tom D.
[email protected] wrote:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Ramon T.

On Dec 2, 11:02 am, Tom D. [email protected]

I’m a quarter of the way through Agile, and so far I’ve tried a few
editors. NetBeans 6 seems fully featured, but I’m finding it clunky for
me. InType is light and clean but doesn’t have any code completion or
advanced features. I’m kind of looking for something in the middle.

Ideally I’d find something like HomeSite, which I love and has about the
right amount of features while staying out of your way. What else is out
there that works well for Ruby?

It’s been 30 years, and I still haven’t found anything better than

kevin cline wrote:

On Dec 2, 11:02 am, Tom D. [email protected]

I’m a quarter of the way through Agile, and so far I’ve tried a few
editors. NetBeans 6 seems fully featured, but I’m finding it clunky for
me. InType is light and clean but doesn’t have any code completion or
advanced features. I’m kind of looking for something in the middle.

Ideally I’d find something like HomeSite, which I love and has about the
right amount of features while staying out of your way. What else is out
there that works well for Ruby?

It’s been 30 years, and I still haven’t found anything better than

What about NetBeans?

On Dec 4, 2007 1:06 AM, kevin cline [email protected] wrote:

It’s been 30 years, and I still haven’t found anything better than

Dear older-fart-than-me,

How’s the carpal tunnel these days? Mine’s fine, thanks for asking.

Greg D.

I also use Ruby in Steel and I am extremely happy. Ruby in Steel is
excellent for development on a Windows platform. I agree with Fjan,
the debugger is brilliant. It is very easy to add a breakpoint and
inspect variable values. The developers of Ruby in Steel are also
very helpful, knowledgeable and accessible. Ruby in Steel really makes
me a more productive Rails developer.


On Tue, 4 Dec 2007, Greg D. wrote:

Dear older-fart-than-me,

How’s the carpal tunnel these days? Mine’s fine, thanks for asking.

Ive been using vi since 1988 (and programming since 1981) and Ive never
had carpal tunnel or vision problems. For me, moving from keyboard to
mouse constantly is less efficient that staying at the keyboard, so Ive
never met an IDE I liked.

On Dec 4, 2007 4:06 PM, Eno [email protected] wrote:

Ive been using vi since 1988 (and programming since 1981) and Ive never
had carpal tunnel or vision problems.

/me passes Eno a clue

Me neither, it was a joke. My first programming was in Basic on an
Apple IIe in '84. I honestly don’t recall what editor I used back

For me, moving from keyboard to
mouse constantly is less efficient that staying at the keyboard, so Ive
never met an IDE I liked.

Me neither again, especially all these horribly slow ones written in
Java. I hope to I never get whatever
sickness it is that makes people want to code in Java, or worse use a
Java IDE to do it. That’s just yucky.

Greg D.

On Tue, 4 Dec 2007, Greg D. wrote:

Me neither, it was a joke. My first programming was in Basic on an
Apple IIe in '84.

Probably around the time I had moved on to coding 6502 assembly language
(no joke :wink:

Most micros had built-in editors back then. The “nice” ones had
line numbering, paged output, etc if you were lucky.

And you try telling that to the kids today and they won’t believe you!


I’ve long been a fan of emacs, but Textmate is the first thing that’s
lead me away from emacs. Funny, that.


On Dec 4, 1:45 am, Ayyanar Aswathaman <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-
s.net> wrote:

there that works well for Ruby?

It’s been 30 years, and I still haven’t found anything better than

What about NetBeans?

I read a few pages and I still haven’t seen any links to editor
customization. For example, I would like to implement acronym-based
code completion. I want to type ‘aa control-;’ and have the editor
replace that text with the nearest matching identifier, like
‘attr_accessor’. I can do that in Emacs, and it saves me thousands of
keystrokes per day. How could I do that with NetBeans?

Another example: underscore is hard to reach. So I hacked EMACS in
Ruby mode to insert underscore when I type a semicolon. To get an
actual semicolon, I press semicolon twice. That took about one minute
to write and test in Emacs LISP. How do I do that in NetBeans?

Without that sort of easy customization, I’m just not interested.