Whats this lambda code doing?

I came across following code in typo’s application.rb and I can’t
understand the last part,

def with_blog_scoped_classes(klasses=[Content, Article, Comment,
Page, Trackback], &block)
default_id = this_blog.id
scope_hash = { :find => { :conditions => “blog_id = #{default_id}”},
:create => { :blog_id => default_id } }
klasses.inject(block) do |blk, klass|
lambda { klass.with_scope(scope_hash, &blk) }

Method will be called with a block and will probably add some scope to
the respective methods of ActiveRecord classes. But whats the last
I mean, end.call?

On Oct 18, 2006, at 5:48 PM, hemant wrote:

klasses.inject(block) do |blk, klass|
lambda { klass.with_scope(scope_hash, &blk) }

Method will be called with a block and will probably add some scope to
the respective methods of ActiveRecord classes. But whats the last
I mean, end.call?

klasses.inject(block) do |blk, klass|
  lambda { klass.with_scope(scope_hash, &blk) }

That outer block that ends on end returns the lambda made inside of
that block. So end.call ends up being lambda { klass.with_scope
(scope_hash, &blk) }.call

– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)

hemant wrote:

 lambda { klass.with_scope(scope_hash, &blk) }


Method will be called with a block and will probably add some scope to
the respective methods of ActiveRecord classes. But whats the last
I mean, end.call?

The call to klasses.inject returns a block (a Proc). The .call evaluates
the Proc.

The code is a bit too clever for its own good. Personally I could go
around and slap everyone that chains a method after a code block /
closure block, or tags a statement modifier conditional / loop after it,
most of the time it’s just golfing to hide an unsightly level of control
flow nesting.

David V.

Ezra Z. wrote:

klasses.inject(block) do |blk, klass|
lambda { klass.with_scope(scope_hash, &blk) }

That outer block that ends on end returns the lambda made inside of that
block. So end.call ends up being lambda { klass.with_scope(scope_hash,
&blk) }.call

Hmm. Unless I’m very mistaken, it would also only call the lambda for
the last object in klasses, generating several garbage (and relatively
expensive) lambdas. Boggle. Am I missing something?

David V.

On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 10:02:11 +0900, David V. wrote:

Hmm. Unless I’m very mistaken, it would also only call the lambda for
the last object in klasses, generating several garbage (and relatively
expensive) lambdas. Boggle. Am I missing something?

David V.

This some wierd kind of lambda chaining. You’re confusing “block” with
“blk”, so you’re thinking that each version of this code is using the
original block, but this is not so. Each lambda is chained to call the
previous lambda. I haven’t got a clue what with_scope does, but this
all be a lot easier to understand if it was possible to eliminate the
lambda, and deal with each class separately.

On Oct 18, 2006, at 6:02 PM, David V. wrote:

Hmm. Unless I’m very mistaken, it would also only call the lambda for
the last object in klasses, generating several garbage (and relatively
expensive) lambdas. Boggle. Am I missing something?

David V.

It looks like it would only call the last lambda but it does call

all of them. Here is a simplification of whats happening.

irb(main):065:0> def scoper(klasses=[:foo, :bar, :baz], &block)
irb(main):066:1> klasses.inject(block) do |blk, klass|
irb(main):067:2* lambda { puts klass; blk.call}
irb(main):068:2> end.call
irb(main):069:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):070:0* scoper { puts ‘&block called’ }
&block called
=> nil

– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)

On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 09:48:07 +0900, hemant wrote:

  lambda { klass.with_scope(scope_hash, &blk) }


Method will be called with a block and will probably add some scope to
the respective methods of ActiveRecord classes. But whats the last
I mean, end.call?

The whole do…end thing (and its binding to the inject call) has higher
precedence than the method call that follows it. It’s equivalent to

x=klasses.inject(block) do


On Oct 18, 2006, at 9:12 PM, Ezra Z. wrote:

block. So end.call ends up being lambda { klass.with_scope

&block called
=> nil

I think I’m still confused by this. I infer from your post that the
lambdas get nested by the inject (at the position of ‘blk’) with the
first one innermost, which is why they get called in reverse order
(and ‘block’ last of all). Is that right?

Regards, Morton

On Oct 18, 2006, at 6:15 PM, Ken B. wrote:

This some wierd kind of lambda chaining. You’re confusing “block” with
“blk”, so you’re thinking that each version of this code is using the
original block, but this is not so. Each lambda is chained to call the
previous lambda. I haven’t got a clue what with_scope does, but
this would
all be a lot easier to understand if it was possible to eliminate the
lambda, and deal with each class separately.

Ken B… PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.

with_scope is an ActiveRecord thing for scoping your where clauses.
It works like this:

Post.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => [“customer_id = ?”,
@customer.id]}) do
@post = Post.find(:all)

And you can nest these with_scope blocks inside each other so the
innermost #find method gets the scoped :conditions merged with its
own conditions. So the original posters code is taking a list of
Model classes and scoping the find and create calls on them to a
specific blog.id .

But I have to agree that code is too clever for its own good.
Twisting it up like that may make a golfer happy, the next guy to
come across it will be confused when it could have been stated clearer.


– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)

On Oct 18, 2006, at 6:56 PM, Morton G. wrote:

That outer block that ends on end returns the lambda made inside
expensive) lambdas. Boggle. Am I missing something?
irb(main):069:1> end
lambdas get nested by the inject (at the position of ‘blk’) with
the first one innermost, which is why they get called in reverse
order (and ‘block’ last of all). Is that right?

Regards, Morton

Yes thats essentially it. Maybe this helps clear it up a bit. Lets

forget about the with_scope AR stuff for a minute and just mock this

class Scoper
def self.with_block(hsh={}, &block)
p hsh.merge( {:klass => name})

class Foo < Scoper

class Bar < Scoper

class Baz < Scoper

def set_scopers(klasses=[Foo, Bar, Baz], &block)
hash = {:test => ‘test’}
klasses.inject(block) do |blk, klass|
lambda { klass.with_block hash, &blk }

puts set_scopers { puts ‘done’}


{:test=>“test”, :klass=>“Baz”}
{:test=>“test”, :klass=>“Bar”}
{:test=>“test”, :klass=>“Foo”}

Now if you comment out the block.call line in the Scoper.with_block

class Scoper
def self.with_block(hsh={}, &block)
p hsh.merge( {:klass => name})

puts set_scopers { puts ‘done’ }
{:test=>“test”, :klass=>“Baz”}

and run the same code again it only calls the last lambda that gets
made. It is a twisty little mess of block and wrappers that is hard
to follow. But essentially inject is chaning those lambda’s together
and the final .call calls the chain which calls the final &blk in the


– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)

On 10/18/06, Ezra Z. [email protected] wrote:

But I have to agree that code is too clever for its own good.
Twisting it up like that may make a golfer happy, the next guy to
come across it will be confused when it could have been stated clearer.

You know, I can understand, or maybe sympathize, with the appeal of
real golf, although I’ve yet to break 110, but I can’t for the life of
me understand why anyone things code golfing is good for anyone.

But then again “Succintness is Power!”

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

On 10/19/06, Morton G. [email protected] wrote:

That outer block that ends on end returns the lambda made inside

=> nil
first one innermost, which is why they get called in reverse order
(and ‘block’ last of all). Is that right?

Regards, Morton

Hmm…i think i get the idea, but i do not understand how its .call is
working on all the lambdas?

On 10/19/06, hemant [email protected] wrote:

expensive) lambdas. Boggle. Am I missing something?
irb(main):069:1> end
lambdas get nested by the inject (at the position of ‘blk’) with the
first one innermost, which is why they get called in reverse order
(and ‘block’ last of all). Is that right?

Regards, Morton

Ok…i get it now…Thanks for the nice explanation Ezra.

On Oct 18, 2006, at 7:38 PM, Ezra Z. wrote:

hash = {:test => ‘test’}
{:test=>“test”, :klass=>“Foo”}

and run the same code again it only calls the last lambda that gets
made. It is a twisty little mess of block and wrappers that is hard
to follow. But essentially inject is chaning those lambda’s
together and the final .call calls the chain which calls the final
&blk in the end.

What it is doing with the inject is essentially building up a block

with multiple procs inside it and then calling that. So the block
that gets called looks something like this by the time it gets call’ed:

lambda {
lambda { Foo.with_block hash, &blk }
lambda { Bar.with_block hash, &blk }
lambda { Baz.with_block hash, &blk }

Make sense?

– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)

On Oct 18, 2006, at 10:48 PM, Ezra Z. wrote:

What it is doing with the inject is essentially building up a
block with multiple procs inside it and then calling that. So the
block that gets called looks something like this by the time it
gets call’ed:

lambda {
lambda { Foo.with_block hash, &blk }
lambda { Bar.with_block hash, &blk }
lambda { Baz.with_block hash, &blk }

Maybe I’m being even more dense than usual, but I can’t accept that.
It wouldn’t produce the observed print-out order. I think it must be
more like:

lambda { Baz.with_block(hash,
   lambda { Bar.with_block(hash,
      lambda { Foo.with_block(hash, &blk) }) }) }.call

Regards, Morton

It’s really not that bad. Learn to love the lambda, I say =)

unwind = lambda {|x| puts x}
(1..9).inject(unwind) do |stack, i|
  lambda {|x| puts x; stack[i]}

On Oct 18, 2006, at 9:08 PM, Morton G. wrote:

lambda { Baz.with_block hash, &blk }
Regards, Morton

Ahh yes you are totally correct. See? It is tricky code ;)

– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)