Hi all -
Used to be bug/patches would get a certain number of +1’s. There was
even a site designed to help with it (http://www.patchreview.org/) but
it seems out of date…
I’ve fixed one ugly bug and made a decent enhancement… just
wondering what the procedure is to get eyeballs looking at them?
If there’s a big bright sign on lighthouse that indicates the
procedure just point me there and I’ll hit myself upside the head
Sent from my iPhone
On 15 Aug 2008, at 07:00, Philip H. [email protected] wrote:
Hi all -
Used to be bug/patches would get a certain number of +1’s. There was
even a site designed to help with it (http://www.patchreview.org/) but
it seems out of date…
Pimp your ticket on the rubyonrails-core mailing list or in the rails-
contrib Orc channel.
Hi all -
Used to be bug/patches would get a certain number of +1’s. There was
even a site designed to help with it (http://www.patchreview.org/)
it seems out of date…
Pimp your ticket on the rubyonrails-core mailing list or in the rails-
contrib Orc channel.
Ah… the intro to rails-contrib points to here:
Looks like they are still using the +1 system…
Which really means I should rave about them everywhere I suppose
Now you can have a has_many/belongs_to relationship in which you don’t
use the table’s primary key on either side.
Fixes a bug when involving named scopes and find_all_by_???.
So if you care about either of those check them out