is a pretty nice example of
using waf, a python build tool, instead of autoconf and make, to build
a c++ project. Is there a ruby build tool that can be used for
something similar? (This is not a case of NIH; looking at the waf
script in that example, I can imagine it being a lot nicer in ruby)
What about rake? I am using it in a c/ruby project. It basically just
adds the task stuff,
finding headers etc. can bw done with mkmf.
Here is the rakefile, maybe it can help you:
---- On Sun, 14 Feb 2010 17:27:36 +0100 Martin DeMello
[email protected] wrote ----
thanks, that’s pretty neat. i’d forgotten about mkmf.
On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 10:18 PM, Christoph K.