Being a technical writer, not a programmer, I will often write script
with names that make sense to me while I’m working on them, but then
later decide the script really needs to be renamed. Before I got
involved with using git for version control, I would just rename my
scripts if I decided I didn’t like the name. With Git (or any other
version control software), I’m wondering what others think is a best
practice. Is it to just rename it on github, then pull it again locally?
or should I change it locally and push out to github, or does it really
Note: I know this really is fringe material for the Ruby list, but I’m
hoping that since I’m trying to get more of a best practice type of
question, folks don’t take an exception to me posting it here.
Being a technical writer, not a programmer, I will often write script with
names that make sense to me while I’m working on them, but then later decide
the script really needs to be renamed. Before I got involved with using git
for version control, I would just rename my scripts if I decided I didn’t
like the name. With Git (or any other version control software), I’m
wondering what others think is a best practice. Is it to just rename it on
github, then pull it again locally? or should I change it locally and push
out to github, or does it really matter?
Git tracks the contents of the files, so it’s able to follow a rename
perfectly fine.
For example, I created a file called test.txt, and commited it. Later,
I renamed it to renamed.txt, and added it (I also had to git rm
test.txt), the result was:
Thanks all! Just wanted to make sure I didn’t end up hosing myself by
doing the wrong thing.
From: Eric MSP Veith [email protected]
To: Ruby users [email protected]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: What’s Best Practice when you change your script’s name?
On Monday 10 February 2014 16:40:34, Jess Gabriel y Galn [email protected] wrote:
Git tracks the contents of the files, so it’s able to follow a rename
perfectly fine.
If you (the OP) are interested in the actual background and sementics,
you can
read a question on Stack Exchange regarding this at,
which explains that “git mv” exists and is actual a shortcut for “mv
$new; git rm $old; git add $new”.
On Monday 10 February 2014 16:40:34, Jess Gabriel y Galn [email protected] wrote:
Git tracks the contents of the files, so it’s able to follow a rename
perfectly fine.
If you (the OP) are interested in the actual background and sementics,
you can
read a question on Stack Exchange regarding this at,
which explains that “git mv” exists and is actual a shortcut for “mv
$new; git rm $old; git add $new”.