Hi all,
I got the USRP and would like to use it to run some examples. Does any
one have the instruction files for new users? I read
http://www.nd.edu/~jnl/sdr/docs/tutorials/4.pdf .  I feel a kind of
embarrassed to ask this kind of stupid questions. How can I remove the
USRP from my laptop correctly? Can I just plug out the USB and then the
power of the USRP? Do I have to worry about the order? I check the
http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuradio/doc/exploring-gnuradio.html. I
don’t see any questions  related to this. I really don’t want to break
down the USRP because it’s kind of expensive to me.
Thank you,
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:31:26AM -0700, Goodman Roy wrote:
break down the USRP because it’s kind of expensive to me.
Thank you,
You can unplug the power or USB cable in either order.
Here are some good places to start: