What linux distro do you recommend for rails dev?

What linux distro do you recommend for rails dev?


Quoting Emmanuel O. [email protected], who spaketh

What linux distro do you recommend for rails dev?

I’m a Debian-on-the-server, Ubuntu-on-the-desktop guy myself.

– Mitch

You should check on www.railsmachine.com and what they use on their
servers, superstable!

2007/7/17, Emmanuel O. [email protected]:

What linux distro do you recommend for rails dev?


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Andreas Kviby
Telefon 070-352 66 76
E-post [email protected]

This question gets asked here time and time and again. Ultimately, the
correct answer is always… whatever distro YOU prefer or are most
comfortable with. Slackware, Fedora, Debian, whatever floats your boat.
Rails doesn’t care.


This question gets asked here time and time and again. Ultimately, the
correct answer is always… whatever distro YOU prefer or are most
comfortable with. Slackware, Fedora, Debian, whatever floats your boat.
Rails doesn’t care.

I know what is linux. I know I can use any distro. Heck, i could even
choose a kernel and make my own distro if i wanted. What i’m asking here
is what have worked for YOU, because i don’t have much experience with
linux distros (nor the knowledge+time to make my own distro)

I want my pc to be powerfull to develop and deploy rails apps but also
functional for desktop usage, since it’s going to be my home pc (and
also the one my wife will use! :slight_smile: )

I think many of the rubyforum users posting here have exactly that on
their own boxes, and it would be nice to hear their experiences.

Also, it would be super cool and nice to set a vm and use it to deploy
my developed app. Then if i want to deploy somewhere else I could get
the image of that vm and put it anywhere i like.

Is it posible to do that with ubuntu 7.04 desktop?

Last one: any prefered enviroment when using nginx?

Thanks again!

I would recommend Ubuntu, which is the best Rails desktop environment.

And very shortly, setting up Ubuntu to develop with Rails will be
ridiculously easy.

On Jul 17, 4:43 pm, Emmanuel O. [email protected]

What linux distro do you recommend for rails dev?

I retract my former flames for [K]Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog, because
[K]Ubunto Feisty Fawn does truly rule, and comes with the correct
versions of ruby and rubygems.

(And it makes MS Vista look like a Mac Classic…)

“Test Driven Ajax (on Rails)”
assert_xpath, assert_javascript, & assert_ajax

On Jul 18, 7:39 am, Neil W. [email protected] wrote:

I would recommend Ubuntu, which is the best Rails desktop environment.

Can you explain why ?? I think that’s a matter of taste! Because all
distros have a shell (for ssh), and all of them allows you to install
an IDE (Apatana, Net beans-Now supports Rails!), so I don’t think that
anyone here could convince you logically by a distribution or another.

Personnally I’m using openSuse for 8-9 months now (10.0 then 10.2),
and since 6 months I’m using only it (bye Windows!), it is really
comfortable and convivial (KDE of course! and please do not transform
the discussion into a KDE vs Genome one!), and it could help a Windows
person to perform ordinary tasks like your wife or me!

I found openSuse cool with his Yast, which is similar to the control
panel, and there, you can also add or remove any Software using the OS
DVD. I’m pretty satisfied with this OS.

And for deployment, I’m creating Remote FTP folders for quick FTP, and
as others do, I’m using ssh from the Shell (Command line) for

Finally, feel free to choose your distro but in order to not annoy you
partner choose the KDE environment (You will be asked to do during the
install of almost all of linux distros)

If you have any question about every day Programming / use, they’re

Mahmoud M’HIRI
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: Under request


I’d say Ubuntu too. We use Ubuntu Server for Production and staging
as well.

On Jul 17, 5:43 pm, Emmanuel O. [email protected]

If you choose Ubuntu here’s a great guide:

Good luck.

I’m also in the minority of liking Suse. I host one rails app on Suse
10.0, and run SLED 10 on my desktop. Primarily I like it coz it comes
working very close to the way I like it out of the box, and YAST.

This review describes some of that and other stuff


So Emmanuel ?

We wanna to here some feedback :wink: and experience notes!

Mahmoud M’HIRI
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: Under request

On Jul 17, 4:43 pm, Emmanuel O. [email protected]

You can use Gentoo script installer and it does all that for you =)

In my case I use Gentoo for coding in Rails, basically my “ide” is vim
a nice .vimrc, a couple of aterms running mongrel and tailing logs and
another one in the part of the code I’m working on (models, views, etc).
this under fluxbox. The best experience I’ve have is with that set,
RadRails is a nice tool to have too, and of course nopaste emerged for
questions on IRC :smiley:

2007/7/20, snacktime [email protected]:

Suse is one distro I haven’t used, but heard good things about.
Ubuntu is a great option for developing on simply because it’s one of
the easiest distro’s to use for someone that isn’t an expert in linux,
and doesn’t necessarily want to become one. Redhat distro’s are too
heavy for my taste as far as how much crap they have running on just a
base install. And if you don’t already have experience with a package
manager, apt is one of the easier ones to learn.

Coming from a long time working with bsd, I also love gentoo once it’s
installed, but the install is too tedious and it doesn’t need to be
that way. There is no reason why I should have to use fdisk and
create my own fstab and all the other basic configs by hand. It’s too
bad also because the gentoo portage system is great.
