What is your style? ':this_style =>' vs 'this_style:' or depends?

I noticed Michael H.'s tutorials seem to use this ‘:this_style =>’
What is your take on this?

They both work, it’s just a matter of personal style. I find that I get
confused easily with the whatever: style, I start to think in terms of
CSS and my Ruby brain shuts down.


Agree with Walter its the matter of your preference but I do prefer the
new style without the rocket.

In the Github Ruby Styleguide there’s a note about Hashes:

Use hashrocket syntax for Hash literals instead of the JSON style introduced in 1.9.

I guess the reason is that if you use hashrocket syntax, you can use
any type as a hash key, while with colon the keys are Symbol only.
So, you’ll (pretty much) always have two styles in your app.

Strict styleguides are important. What if we all start to do crazy
things like @VARIABLE or CamelCaseConstant = [1, 2, 3]? (and I’ve
seen such cases, unfortunately).

But in this particular case with hashes, I personally use mixed style.
So, colon for simple key-value hashes, where value is not a Symbol
itself. And hashrocket for mixed DSL hashes with “complex” values.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 5:27 AM, Brandon [email protected] wrote:

I noticed Michael H.'s tutorials seem to use this ‘:this_style =>’ more.
What is your take on this?

I prefer the newer “key: value” style – partly because I work with
JSON frequently, so this way is consistent. Other than that, ask five
devs and you’ll get seven opinions…


Dave A., freelance software developer (details @ www.Codosaur.us);
see also www.PullRequestRoulette.com, Blog.Codosaur.us, www.Dare2XL.com

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 7:45 PM, Vladimir R.
[email protected] wrote:

things like @VARIABLE or CamelCaseConstant = [1, 2, 3]? (and I’ve
seen such cases, unfortunately).

But in this particular case with hashes, I personally use mixed style.
So, colon for simple key-value hashes, where value is not a Symbol
itself. And hashrocket for mixed DSL hashes with “complex” values.

I have been generally following the GH style guide, but not the
hashrocket thing, unless a client mandates it. One thing to note:
Github itself as a huge codebase, the main site still runs Rails 2.x,
and it makes sense when you have a long term code base, to keep a
consistent style across it. I’m not so sure that one needs to be so
slavish to that though if you aren’t writing code for GH.

Visually I find the hash rocket style really unnerving… I don’t know
Just like the “<<” which is supposed to be more efficient than “+”. Just
pains me to see them but I’m trying to adhere to best practices too.