What is the use of ‘abstract_method’ in rails?
What is the use of ‘abstract_method’ in rails?
On Jul 1, 6:01 am, Rahul P s [email protected] wrote:
What is the use of ‘abstract_method’ in rails?
defines it as:
“abstract_method(symbol, …) extends Module defines a method which
raises AbstractMethodCalled used in a base class to ensure that
subclasses define an implementation”
It is used to cap the parent class of an inheritance.
so if class Foo < Bar
and Bar.some_method you want it to have to be defined in all
subclasess (Foo and others…) you do like such:
class Bar
def some_method
then all subclasses must implement some_method or it will complain
when being called (Note, untill it is called, everything is sweet,
this can casue bugs…)
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