What is the standard YAML date format that loads for timestamps?

Please respond with an exact syntax. I am presently using Time.at(ts)
and I end up with a null in my database.

On Apr 16, 6:34 pm, Xeno C. [email protected] wrote:

Please respond with an exact syntax. I am presently using Time.at(ts)
and I end up with a null in my database.

Not sure I understand the question.

adate: 2008-04-017

This will load as a Date object.


On Apr 16, 2008, at 4:34 PM, Xeno C. wrote:

Please respond with an exact syntax. I am presently using
Time.at(ts) and I end up with a null in my database.

$ ruby -ryaml -e ‘puts Time.now.to_yaml’
— 2008-04-17 08:55:11.842682 -06:00

You have to use the YAML.load function to read the timestamp back in
as a Ruby object.
