What is the IDE tools used in the video on the homepage of the
Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. had thought it was Komodo,however after I had
installed that i found they were different.I do think the IDE used in
the video is very cool for its autocomplete abilities especially in the
Views development.Thanks!
pinnacle wrote:
What is the IDE tools used in the video on the homepage of the
Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. had thought it was Komodo,however after I had
installed that i found they were different.I do think the IDE used in
the video is very cool for its autocomplete abilities especially in the
Views development.Thanks!
The text editor shown in the screencasts is MacroMate’s excellent
There’s a 30 day trial version with full functionality available on the
try radrails from radrails.org. I use it and like it a lot. (On Debian
Linux but it runs on windows as well using a Java jre)
On Mar 6, 2006, at 6:29 PM, pinnacle wrote:
The text editor shown in the screencasts is MacroMate’s excellent
There’s a 30 day trial version with full functionality available
on the
web-site.very thanksful,but what’s a pity that no such kind of tools under
Oh, the glee that statement gives my naughty inner-child!
Welcome to the world of the Macintosh users everywhere, in reverse.
Don’t misunderstand me…I’m not taking pleasure from your pain.
Also…I think you’re seeing the beginning of a trend, but only
time will tell.
– Tom M.
Colin Stein wrote:
pinnacle wrote:
What is the IDE tools used in the video on the homepage of the
Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. had thought it was Komodo,however after I had
installed that i found they were different.I do think the IDE used in
the video is very cool for its autocomplete abilities especially in the
Views development.Thanks!The text editor shown in the screencasts is MacroMate’s excellent
There’s a 30 day trial version with full functionality available on the
very thanksful,but what’s a pity that no such kind of tools under
pinnacle wrote:
Colin Stein wrote:
pinnacle wrote:
What is the IDE tools used in the video on the homepage of the
Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. had thought it was Komodo,however after I had
installed that i found they were different.I do think the IDE used in
the video is very cool for its autocomplete abilities especially in the
Views development.Thanks!The text editor shown in the screencasts is MacroMate’s excellent
There’s a 30 day trial version with full functionality available on the
very thanksful,but what’s a pity that no such kind of tools under
I use jEdit, which is excellent if you use the Ruby (and few other
plug-ins). Plus it’s open source. There’s a good page here with a list
of recommended plug-ins for working with Ruby (and Rails) and matching
much of Textmate’s functions:
Rob N. wrote:
I use TextPad which although not an IDE, is a good editor and has useful
tab highlighting (once you register RHTML as a type of HTML document).
I use TextPad which although not an IDE, is a good editor and has useful
tab highlighting (once you register RHTML as a type of HTML document).
Chris T wrote:
I use jEdit, which is excellent if you use the Ruby (and few other
plug-ins). Plus it’s open source. There’s a good page here with a list
of recommended plug-ins for working with Ruby (and Rails) and matching
much of Textmate’s functions:http://saimonmoore.net/permalink/jedit-for-ruby-rails-development
Since reading this article I’ve had a play with jEdit with the Ruby
plug-ins and I have to agree that it is very good and I think will now
be my preferred IDE for Ruby.
However, I did have a couple of problems with database.yml and other
YAML files such as fixture definitions. jEdit was putting in tabs which
causes problem in YAML, and led to a lot of odd MySQL errors before I
realised where the problem was.
I’ll have to take a look at jEdit later today. I’ve been using RadRails.
Still saving up for a nice macbook and then I’ll pick up textmate, but
then I need a nice replacement for my ruby/rails ide.
You can change the settings on how it handles tabs – I have mine set to
replace tabs with 2 spaces.
Think it’s under general options>editing from memory.
Chris T