What is mean of Deployment?

what is meaning of deploy a ruby on rails application?i am new to RoR.
please somebody explain it


On 16 April 2011 16:32, amritpal pathak [email protected]

what is meaning of deploy a ruby on rails application?i am new to RoR.
please somebody explain it

Deployment is the process of putting the application on a production
server for use by real users.


On Apr 16, 11:40am, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:

On 16 April 2011 16:32, amritpal pathak [email protected] wrote:

what is meaning of deploy a ruby on rails application?i am new to RoR.
please somebody explain it

Deployment is the process of putting the application on a production
server for use by real users.
Means enabling the production server from the database.yml file

On Apr 17, 2:08am, amrit pal pathak [email protected]

In a strict operational sense, the term means installation and
configuration/activation of software on any environment under
management, so
it could be meant as production, staging, integration testing, etc. In
Rails world where development and testing are most often virtual
environments coexisting on the developer’s workstation, this will only
the production environment for most cases.

On 17 April 2011 07:08, amrit pal pathak [email protected]

Means enabling the production server from the database.yml file
It is generally not only that as the machine that will be running the
app in production is generally not the same one used for development.
So deployment is the whole operation of getting it up and running on
the production machine, which is often a public webserver rather than
a desktop machine so the software environment is often significantly


On Apr 17, 4:06am, Chris K. [email protected] wrote:

In a strict operational sense, the term means installation and
configuration/activation of software on any environment under management, so
it could be meant as production, staging, integration testing, etc. In the
Rails world where development and testing are most often virtual
environments coexisting on the developer’s workstation, this will only be
the production environment for most cases.
I am running the application in development enviornment.I want
to run it under now production one.So what changes i have to make in
database.yml file

 The content of this file as are

SQLite version 3.x

gem install sqlite3-ruby (not necessary on OS X Leopard)

adapter: mysql
database: amritpal
username: root
password: 12345
pool: 5
timeout: 5000

Warning: The database defined as “test” will be erased and

re-generated from your development database when you run “rake”.

Do not set this db to the same as development or production.

adapter: sqlite3
database: db/test.sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000

adapter: sqlite3
database: db/production.sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000


On Apr 17, 7:27am, Chris K. [email protected] wrote:

Are you planning to continue using sqlite in the production environment?
Most people don’t, but it’s not a problem to do so.

If not or if the default sqlite settings aren’t right for you, then you’ll
need to make some changes, but those will depend on the environment you’re
deploying into. But what those should be isn’t a question the mailing list
can answer for you without more information.

   The production environment setting with sqllite are by

default .I want to use mysql for production too.So i changed the
production enviornment settings to
adapter: mysql
database: blog
username: root
password: 12345
pool: 5
timeout: 5000

                               Is it enough??


On 17 Apr 2011, at 17:04, amrit pal pathak wrote:

mailing list
pool: 5
timeout: 5000

                              Is it enough??

If you’re running Rails 3, you’re better off using “mysql2” as the
adapter and you have to make sure you include the mysql2 gem in your
Gemfile too. Also, you might want to use a more secure password for
MySQL on your production server :wink:

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Are you planning to continue using sqlite in the production environment?
Most people don’t, but it’s not a problem to do so.

If not or if the default sqlite settings aren’t right for you, then
need to make some changes, but those will depend on the environment
deploying into. But what those should be isn’t a question the mailing
can answer for you without more information.

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 11:37 AM, amrit pal pathak <

Also by default if you’d created the app as a MySQL app in the first
encoding: utf8
reconnect: false
socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock


On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Peter De Berdt

All most all developers develop application in their local computer.
This is called as development environment. Once your development
completed, you need to move the application to a production server
where other people can use your website. Moving the application from
development environment to production servers called deployment.

Hope you understand.

On Apr 17, 9:02pm, Peter De Berdt [email protected] wrote:

adapter: mysql
Gemfile too. Also, you might want to use a more secure password for
MySQL on your production server :wink:
I am running rails 2.3.5.Now view following
adapter: mysql
database: blog
username: root
password: (will take a strong password )
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Is it ok


On Apr 18, 11:48am, Mohamed A. [email protected] wrote:

All most all developers develop application in their local computer.
This is called as development environment. Once your development
completed, you need to move the application to a production server
where other people can use your website. Moving the application from
development environment to production servers called deployment.

Hope you understand.
Thanks i got :

On 18 April 2011 08:23, amrit pal pathak [email protected]

Most people don’t, but it’s not a problem to do so.
default .I want to use mysql for production too.So i changed the

timeout: 5000
socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Is it ok

Does it work? Don’t forget to make the production database and to
start the server in production mode.
I would advise against using your mysql root user for rails access,
better to make a rails user and give it just the permissions it needs.


On Apr 18, 3:56am, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:

adapter: mysql
Gemfile too. Also, you might want to use a more secure password for

Does it work? Don’t forget to make the production database
it will be created as rake db:create (after specifying in the
production enviornment i,e database: production)?? and to
start the server in production mode.
how to start server in production mode?
is it simply script/server??
or other are to be made in other files ??
I would advise against using your mysql root user for rails access,
better to make a rails user and give it just the permissions it needs.
Now i will use root for some time,afterwards i will change


On Apr 18, 9:07am, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:

On 18 April 2011 10:00, amrit pal pathak [email protected] wrote:

it will be created as rake db:create (after specifying in the
production enviornment i,e database: production)?? and to

start the server in production mode.

To create the production database
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
Please tell me in which to specity RAILS_ENV=production.I
find it in enviornment.rb file


As always, Colin has at least one good point. And I would add to

Initially, you asked what is meant by deployment. Several people did
provide the answer to that question, at which point this topic could
safely have been considered “closed.”

Being resourceful is always a good idea. However, this thread has
turned quickly from a question about the meaning of deployment to
“please step me through deployment of an application.” :wink:

On Apr 18, 11:41am, dana tassler [email protected] wrote:

As always, Colin has at least one good point. And I would add to

Initially, you asked what is meant by deployment. Several people did
provide the answer to that question, at which point this topic could
safely have been considered “closed.”
I too think so.Sorry for extending the question.

On 18 April 2011 10:00, amrit pal pathak [email protected]

it will be created as rake db:create (after specifying in the
production enviornment i,e database: production)?? and to

start the server in production mode.

To create the production database
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate

The setting for RAILS_ENV tells it which settings to use from
database.yml (production or development normally)

to start server in production mode
script/server -e production

Googling for
rails create production database
rails start server production
would probably have got you the answer to these much quicker than
waiting here.
