What exactly is rake

Hi Friends,

I am a newbie to Ruby on rails. i would like to know what exactly is


Did you try googling? http://rake.rubyforge.org/

Dheeraj K.

Hi Dheeraj,

I tried. at most of the places it said its like make. but i am not aware
of what is make. more over most of google pages gave me how to install
the rake.

can you pls help me in understanding


That’s good. Now you have a chance to learn what “make” is. I’m sure it
would come in handy .

Rake means ‘Ruby make’, generally it is used to run the database
It is used for the same kind of tasks that ‘make’ and ‘ant’ are used for
other languages like C and Java respectively. When Rake is given a task
do, like running migrations, it analyzes the application and decides
script to run. In ruby its used for more complicated tasks like
the database structure and running tests.

I’ve had the good fortune to meet Jim W. and see him speak at
several conferences. He’s a very funny guy, and deeply smart. (One of
his slides last year, while discussing the genesis of the tool, had the
innocuous title “How hard could it be?”, meaning how hard to make a
general purpose state machine to do system automation things in Ruby.
Here’s a transcript of an interview that might give you some further
insights. And you really do want to find out more about Make, too.
