What does --without-http-cache option mean when compiling Nginx?
Is it related with proxy_store directive or some other things?
I could not find any explicit docs about this.
Thank you in advance.
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 01:38:17PM +0800, XUFENG wrote:
What does --without-http-cache option mean when compiling Nginx?
Is it related with proxy_store directive or some other things?
I could not find any explicit docs about this.
Thank you in advance.
This option is related to proxy_cache… and fastcgi_cache_…
Since the cache requires md5 functions, that may not exist on a host,
there is the option to disable the cache building.
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 01:24:02AM -0700, Michael S. wrote:
is the cache enabled by default if the configure does not disable it
out or in nginx.conf something is marked as “off” ?i would assume it’s not active unless you set the parameters for the
cache you want.
Yes, to enable cache in nginx.conf, you need to describe at least one
proxy/fastcgi_cache_path and zone and use that zone in
is the cache enabled by default if the configure does not disable it
out or in nginx.conf something is marked as “off” ?
i would assume it’s not active unless you set the parameters for the
cache you want.
2009/6/16 Igor S. [email protected]:
This option is related to proxy_cache… and fastcgi_cache_… directives.
Since the cache requires md5 functions, that may not exist on a host,
there is the option to disable the cache building.
Since MD5 has been proven vulnerable, will there be support for SHA-2?
Nuno Magalhães
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:05:33AM +0100, Nuno Magalh??es wrote:
This option is related to proxy_cache… and fastcgi_cache_… directives.
Since the cache requires md5 functions, that may not exist on a host,
there is the option to disable the cache building.Since MD5 has been proven vulnerable, will there be support for SHA-2?
md5 is quite enough for non-cryptographic hashing.