What does --without-http-cache mean?

What does --without-http-cache option mean when compiling Nginx?
Is it related with proxy_store directive or some other things?
I could not find any explicit docs about this.
Thank you in advance.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 01:38:17PM +0800, XUFENG wrote:

What does --without-http-cache option mean when compiling Nginx?
Is it related with proxy_store directive or some other things?
I could not find any explicit docs about this.
Thank you in advance.

This option is related to proxy_cache… and fastcgi_cache_…
Since the cache requires md5 functions, that may not exist on a host,
there is the option to disable the cache building.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 01:24:02AM -0700, Michael S. wrote:

is the cache enabled by default if the configure does not disable it
out or in nginx.conf something is marked as “off” ?

i would assume it’s not active unless you set the parameters for the
cache you want.

Yes, to enable cache in nginx.conf, you need to describe at least one
proxy/fastcgi_cache_path and zone and use that zone in

is the cache enabled by default if the configure does not disable it
out or in nginx.conf something is marked as “off” ?

i would assume it’s not active unless you set the parameters for the
cache you want.

2009/6/16 Igor S. [email protected]:

This option is related to proxy_cache… and fastcgi_cache_… directives.
Since the cache requires md5 functions, that may not exist on a host,
there is the option to disable the cache building.

Since MD5 has been proven vulnerable, will there be support for SHA-2?

Nuno Magalhães

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:05:33AM +0100, Nuno Magalh??es wrote:

This option is related to proxy_cache… and fastcgi_cache_… directives.
Since the cache requires md5 functions, that may not exist on a host,
there is the option to disable the cache building.

Since MD5 has been proven vulnerable, will there be support for SHA-2?

md5 is quite enough for non-cryptographic hashing.