What does this code do?

Here’s a newbie question. Am looking at the do_forgot_password test
method in SaltedHashLoginGenerator and it is failing in the final
assert listed here. What I don’t understand at all are the lines.
Actually, I also don’t understand how a call to change_password could
work if the user isn’t logged in (as in this test case), but that’s
another issue.

identifier = $1
key = $2

What are $1 and $2? Where do they come from?

assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size, “ActionMailer
deliveries size not 1; flow is logged_in = false”
mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries[0]
assert_equal “[email protected]”, mail.to_addrs[0].to_s,
“mail.to_addrs[0] != @removed_email_address@domain.invalid”
mail.encoded =~ /user[identifier]=(.?)&key=(.?)"/
identifier = $1
key = $2
post :change_password, “user” => { “password” => “#{password}”,
“password_confirmation” => “#{password}”, “identifier” =>
“#{identifier}” }, “key” => “#{key}”
assert_session_has “user” #Fails here
get :logout


Sorry - here’s what I meant to say - what I don’t understand are these

identifier = $1
key = $2

On Sep 4, 12:28 pm, sydneyos [email protected] wrote:

Sorry - here’s what I meant to say - what I don’t understand are these

identifier = $1
key = $2


They come from the regular expression above them

mail.encoded =~ /user[identifier]=(.?)&key=(.?)"/

$1 refers to the first match in the regex and $2 to the second, where it
gives (.*?). They are being stored away for further use later in the
script. It might help you to read up on the match operator =~.



$1 and $2 are variables that hold the captured information in the
regular expression on the previous line:
mail.encoded =~ /user[identifier]=(.?)&key=(.?)"/
All the characters between user[identifier]= and the first occurrence
of &key= are captured into $1, and all the characters after &key=
until the first occurrence of " are captured into $2. If that barely
made sense to you, I’d recommend reading a regular expression tutorial
(like on regular-expressions.info). You will likely use them often if
you plan to do any significant amount of parsing in just about any
language (esp. Ruby, Perl, Python, JavaScript, PHP, and so on).
