Still one or two outstanding issues around RSpec, but that is what you
should be aiming for However, even with those issues fixed,
running it on an actual system might not be the best idea due to some
performance issues.
MSpec is a good, if not very limited, and is what the team are using.
I haven’t looked at Test::Unit implementation.
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 4:14 AM, Thibaut Barrère [email protected] wrote:
I’m documenting myself to see what are the various options currently
available to write IronRuby code to unit-tests C# assemblies.
I gave MSpec a try and it’s already fine (30685’s gists · GitHub).
Test::Unit seems to work well too (good work!) after a first test.
Did anyone play with RSpec, Shoulda or anything else ?
I’ve been using Bacon without any problems after I commented out
e.backtrace.find_all { |line| line !~
/bin/bacon|/bacon.rb:\d+/ }.
each_with_index { |line, i|
ErrorLog << "\t#{line}#{i==0 ? ": #@name -
#{description}" : “”}\n"
I got RSpec to work after following somebody else’s instructions on
this list, but it was too slow to be useful.
I wrote a very basic “simple_autotest” script to run “rake spec”
whenever a source file is saved.
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