What are the best Rails 3 books that really reduce learning curve, gotchas and generally avoid all t

Rails seems like it’s a great platform… just the documentation isn’t
as in-depth as I would like beyond the simplest cases… and “google”
is not necessary the best way to learn things because lots of forums
and blogs show you how to do things using earlier versions. It’s not
always easy to separate what’s relevant from what isn’t relevant. All
of this can make a person less productive rather than more productive.

So… are there any books that really help reduce the learning curve
and gotchas with developing COMPLEX applications with Rails 3?

Some criteria:

  1. I am not looking for a “how to” book. I am already 530 tests in and
    understand quite a bit about rails already in the 2 weeks that I’ve
    been using. I’m a programmer of 19 years and have been building web
    apps for a long time.

  2. I am not looking for a book that spends 20%-50% of its pages
    explaining how to program in OO… or what an MVC architecture is…
    or what an ORM is. I can actually write these libraries/frameworks if
    I really had the time, so understanding is not the problem :wink:

  3. I am really more interested in a book or set of books/resources
    that cover all the gotchas that you WILL come across when building
    COMPLEX applications - something that is up-to-date.

  4. The real problem with examples and samples online is that they are
    just too simple. I always find myself I am really interested in books
    that don’t cover the “simple” examples, but also the “exceptions” to
    the examples/scenarios that are likely most complex and highly
    customized you are likely to see in a large application.

  5. I am really interested in books that don’t cover “how to setup
    devise”, but rather, that cover the most useful customizations you’d
    ever want to do in Devise (just as an example… we can replace
    “Devise” with ‘gem XYZ’ here)

Do these resources exist? Or is grueling through the learning curve
pretty much the best way to go about it?

The only reason I ask this is because I’ve come to the conclusion that
IF you have 2-ish months to build a large application, and IF you are
REALLY good at another platform… I am not convinced that Rails will
help in the short term giving many of its documentation problems, out-
of-date examples and general “gotchas” and “problems” that seem to
occur a lot more frequently than say in Java/Spring.

I do fully admit that once you learn all the gotchas in Rails and the
various plugins, and you know how to do “one of every complex thing”
possible, you will be MUCH faster than in Java/Spring regardless of
how good you are in Java. But that probably means you need to get 1-2
months of time under your belt using Ruby and Rails minimum.

Anyway, I’ve probably rambled enough. If you have any good books/
resources to help speed up my learning curve and take out a lot of
guesswork and “solving weird problems in dark” type of issues, that
would be awesome.

If you’d like to have discussion about other things, I’m always fair
game with that. LOL.

Oh, one more thing:

One of the biggest things I find myself googling is testing. Because
so much magic happens, I am always googling to find out “how do I test
this?!” I seem to come up with testing gotchas and problems all the

Googling about testing actually results in very poor results. For
example, if you google testing validations, you will come across Ruby
2.0 testing code that is obsolete… or you’ll find a way of testing
that doesn’t cover all the cases and is kind of bloated. You’d think
one would not have to reinvent the wheel about “how to test
validations”, but that’s actually what happened in my case (my
solution I coded myself is rather quite nice… I wish I saw it online
though :/)

Once you throw in Devise into the mix, testing gets even more
complicated. For example, devise gives you the necessary methods when
testing controllers, but will not include them for Helpers - even if
you specify that it should. It’s really very odd behaviour. This type
of random “doesn’t just work” situation seems to happen all the time
for me.

Anyway, maybe now I am just venting. I am finding the whole “learning
a new platform” to be perhaps a lot more work than I thought it would

I’m starting to think a “bloated Java programmer who’s REALLY good at
that bloat” can probably still produce faster than someone learning
Rails. Of course, eventually, the Rails programmer will outpace him…
but it might take awhile.

Kind Regards,
Chad E.
The Code Boutique

Sent from my iPhone

Kind Regards,
Chad E.
The Code Boutique

Hi Chad :wink:

Yeah, the Rails 3 Way looked like an interesting book. It had mixed
reviews when I did some searching, so I wasn’t sure. I liked how it
wasn’t branded on being a book for beginners.

If I had to get 2 books from there, what would the other be?

yea the pragmatic programmers books on Rails are often considered the

Although not about rails, if you want a good book about Ruby I’d
recommend O’Reilly’s book The Ruby P.ming Language (Flanagan /
Matsumoto). I found that even though I had a lot of experience with
programming there are areas of Ruby where having a definitive book is
really good (like splats, procs & lambda, etc)


The Rails 3 Way is a must. From pragprog, I believe there is a testing
specific book.


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Railstutorial.org is a great resource for learning testing with rspec.
Pragprog.com has a great testing book.


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Rails 3 way is the way to go.
For testing search for Michael H. tutorial. Its has some great
examples for test driven development.
You should also try looking at some very good open source rails
projects on github. They have lots of testing examples and very up-to-

Combining these resources will great. As no single book will be up to
date. Rails develop really very fast.

Railstutorial.org is a great resource for learning testing with rspec.
Pragprog.com has a great testing book.


Yeah, I saw that website and it seemed like it was a little basic for
where I am at. I managed to do everything hes teaching in just a week
or so on my own, so I’m not sure how much I’d learn.

Do the PragProg books show both the tests and the working code?

I think Ryan Bate’s screencasts are pretty good (I’ve watched lots
already… maybe 50 of them at least). I found them to be pretty
helpful. Sometimes they are out of date though.

One of the drawbacks to the Ryan Bate’s screencasts though is that
they doesn’t show the test code along side with the actual production
code. It’s a shame because in the “real world”, you are likely going
to want to write both.

I guess there’s a lot of “how to do something”, but a very small % of
“how to test the things we are trying to teach you.” I finally
googling the “how to test” part to be a really big time-sink. The
“searching” takes more time than the actual testing :frowning:

If you really want to step your rails game up. I would highly recommend
training from pragprog or big nerd ranch.

I did a week long training with big nerd ranch for rails and it was by
far the best resource I’ve used to developed myself.

Kind Regards,
Chad E.
The Code Boutique

Sent from my iPhone

You should also try looking at some very good open source rails
projects on github. They have lots of testing examples and very up-to-

That sounds like a great idea! Do you know of any names of ones I
should look at? I am not even sure what is out there.

Oh, how is the Rails Antipatterns book? Is it something a seasoned
developer in Java would get a lot out of, or is it something a good
web developer ought to know already?

Rails 3 way is definitely the way to go. Its very much like the book you

Diaspora, spree, radiant cms are the one I’m currently following.
On 23-May-2011 3:23 AM, “egervari” [email protected] wrote:

You should also try looking at some very good open source rails
projects on github. They have lots of testing examples and very up-to-

That sounds like a great idea! Do you know of any names of ones I
should look at? I am not even sure what is out there.

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