What are controller modules *for*?

I am aware that controllers can be placed in modules:

ruby script/generate controller modulename/controllername

But what does this buy me? Is it just a way of ensuring that my source
code is nicely arranged, or can I use the fact that a set of controllers
are all within a particular model to implement functionality common to
all of those controllers?

Why am I asking?

The app we’re currently working on has some controllers which can be
accessed by anyone and some which require the user to login before they
can access it. Currently we have

before_filter :login_required

at the top of each “secure” controller. I would like to separate secure
controllers into one module and unsecure controllers in another. I
thought that this might give me a way to DRY the code up - by having the
secure module enforce the login requirement. But if there is a way to
achieve this, it’s escaping me.

I can obviously achieve the desired effect through inheritance, as
described here:


But this requires me to remember to change the base class of each new
secure controller (and raises the spectre of having a controller in the
secure module which doesn’t inherit from the appropriate base).

Am I missing something?



I can’t see anything wrong with the method described in that article -
that’s exactly how i do it.

Yeah, you have to change the inherited class for each new secure
controller but that’s not really a problem. The generators are a nice
helping hand but they’re not the be all and end all.

As for raising spectre, the super class - AdminController - will in turn
inherit from the standard ApplicationController which is perfectly
appropriate :0)


It’s not really a module, it’s just a directory. What you can do is
create a controller with all of the functionality you need and then have
each one of your “secure” controllers inherit from that. ie
class SecureController < Admin

If you do this you get all of the normal controller stuff pluss whatever
you have in the admin controller

On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 17:35 +0200, Paul B. wrote:

achieve this, it’s escaping me.
Am I missing something?



Charlie B.

It’s not a module, it’s just a directory.

On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 18:06 +0200, Paul B. wrote:

Ah well - it doesn’t look like there’s a way of achieving what I wanted
(or at least not out of the box).

Thanks for the responses!


Charlie B.
Castle Branch Inc.

On 31-May-06, at 8:35 AM, Paul B. wrote:

Hi Paul,

I blogged about doing this just the other day :slight_smile:



Trevor S.

Charlie B. wrote:

It’s not a module, it’s just a directory.

Yes, I understand that. But all the documentation calls it a module,
so I thought that I would be consistent.


Stephen B. wrote:

As for raising spectre, the super class - AdminController - will in turn
inherit from the standard ApplicationController which is perfectly
appropriate :0)

What I was concerned about was that someone might place a controller in
the secure module, but forget to modify the base. Anyone looking at the
source would assume that it was secure because it was in the secure

Ah well - it doesn’t look like there’s a way of achieving what I wanted
(or at least not out of the box).

Thanks for the responses!


Trevor S. wrote:

I blogged about doing this just the other day :slight_smile:

Cool - thanks Trevor. Nice to see someone else who thinks the same way


On 31-May-06, at 10:21 AM, Charlie B. wrote:

It’s not a module, it’s just a directory.


Rails (1.1 at least) creates a module for each of your subdirectories.

admin/foo_controller becomes Admin::FooController and Admin.class
returns “Module”


On Wednesday, May 31, 2006, at 7:52 PM, Stephen B. wrote:

directory. This might seem hacky at first but it kinda makes sense if

On 31-May-06, at 8:35 AM, Paul B. wrote:

secure module which doesn’t inherit from the appropriate base).

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

I’m curious as to what you are actually using the ‘admin’ controllers

My preferred user interface is to implement all controller actions in a
single controller and then use a role-based system to see if a
particular user has rights to a particular action. I find this a bit
cleaner and easier to maintain since you don’t end up with multiple
controllers operating on the same models.

Of course I can see lots of reasons to do it the way you are, I’m just
curious to know why you want a separate admin controller.


That’s neat for what you need it for - but as you say it might get messy
as the application grows - things like layouts would be more complicated
than they need to be. I guess you have to wonder what level of
abstraction you need to go to. Most of our models inherit from
ActiveRecord, our controllers from ActionController - this isn’t seen as
a problem (nor should it be :0) ). Having an admin controller seems
nice and organised to me - but i guess that’s personal taste :0)

Regarding the clash of the admin name, I (and a few other people) just
create a Dashboard controller that is the default route for the /admin/
directory. This might seem hacky at first but it kinda makes sense if
you think of it in terms mapping an interface to real-world…things :0)

Ok - so maybe i’m waffling, but sometimes it’s good to think about
things from a different angle. Plus, nerdy app design debates are
always fun :0)


Of course I can see lots of reasons to do it the way you are, I’m just
curious to know why you want a separate admin controller.
I use seperate controllers because i have a seperate interface for the
admin system - it’s used by the administrators of the website - not the
users. Also, there are actions that have the same name on both the
front and back end - ‘view’ for example. The admin product ‘view’ would
load everything needed to edit a product - the front end ‘view’ loads
all the things needed to show the product on the website.

On top of all that, there are loads of actions on the admin i don’t want
accessible on the front-end - and never would. So grouping the
controllers into a module is a nice simple way of achieving this. I
could use role-based authentication - but why would i bother? My auth
needs a straight forward.


On Wednesday, May 31, 2006, at 8:30 PM, Stephen B. wrote:

users. Also, there are actions that have the same name on both the
front and back end - ‘view’ for example. The admin product ‘view’ would
load everything needed to edit a product - the front end ‘view’ loads
all the things needed to show the product on the website.

Mostly it just seems to be a style thing, which is fine.

FWIW, you can write views that use logic to decide what to present to
the user.

Something like

<% if authorized? %>
You are authorized
<% else %>
You are not authorized
<% end %>

This seems a bit DRYer to me since you don’t have to maintain two
separate views (and controllers) for the same object and essentially the
same action.


On 31-mei-2006, at 21:49, Kevin O. wrote:

FWIW, you can write views that use logic to decide what to present to
the user.

Or you can use a module and mix it into any controller at will.

module Security
def self.append_features(klass)
klass.send(:before_filter, :do_auth)

	def do_auth; ... end


and then

class Admin::Special < ApplicationController
include Security

There was a discussion to implement stuff to do it much nicer here

but I don’t know where it got to (this would be a way for your
controllers to get some boost of the module upon definition)


But this requires me to remember to change the base class of each new
secure controller (and raises the spectre of having a controller in
secure module which doesn’t inherit from the appropriate base).


assert_kind_of SecureController, @controller

Julian ‘Julik’ Tarkhanov
please send all personal mail to
me at julik.nl