case name
when “one”
lambda {x += 1; puts x}
when “two”
lambda {puts x}
one = f “one”
two = f “two”
The assignment “x = 0” gets executed every time you call f, creating a
new x
each time and initializing that new x to zero.
As far as I can tell, Ruby has no static scope, only dynamic scope,
if I’m right, means there’s no straightforward way to do what you’re
In Perl, for instance, you could do this:
my $x = 0;
sub f
my $name = shift;
return sub { $x += 1; print “$x\n”; } if ($name eq ‘one’);
return sub { print “$x\n”; } if ($name eq ‘two’);
my $one = f(‘one’);
my $two = f(‘two’);
And achieve the result you expected, but in Ruby, I don’t know how to
something similar. As a practical matter, I would just create an object
an attribute and use methods on that object in lieu of the closures.