What am I missing? Activerecord & Sessions!

Can someone please explain why every time that I call an action in my
controller, every model that is stored in the session needs to be
interpreted by a database query? If I have four models stored in the
session, I end up with five long “SELECT a.attname,
format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod), d.adsrc, a.attnotnull FROM
pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d…” queries when ANY action is
called. I’ve tried adding the models in my ApplicationController, but
to no avail.

It is extremely annoying to sort through the console messages with these
repeating queries. Is this supposed to be happening??? Why do normal
ActiveRecord objects not need this query when they are used??

It started when I moved to PostgreSQL.

Thanks for any insight,

Well, I figured out that the metadata queries are normal behaviour,
because in development mode I’m not caching classes (ie.
config.cache_classes = false). To not see the queries, I simply need to
cache the classes so that the metadata is only queried once and then

I don’t want to have to keep restarting the server repeatedly in between
each change, but the metadata queries are becoming unbearable. Consider
loading a list of images from the database using an action. With 4
models in the session plus the image model, I end up with 35 lines of
log garbage for each image retrieved. Multiply that by 10 images and
it’s a total mess.

My question again “Is there a way to hide the metadata queries and still
not cache classes???” I’m considering going back to MySQL just because
the metadata queries are at least compact “SHOW FIELDS FROM xxxx;”


Is it important to have the actual model objects in the session? I find
it’s usually sufficient to keep the model id in the session, and avoids
just this sort of problem.


Tyler Keating wrote:

Well, I figured out that the metadata queries are normal behaviour,
because in development mode I’m not caching classes (ie.
config.cache_classes = false). To not see the queries, I simply need to
cache the classes so that the metadata is only queried once and then

I don’t want to have to keep restarting the server repeatedly in between
each change, but the metadata queries are becoming unbearable. Consider
loading a list of images from the database using an action. With 4
models in the session plus the image model, I end up with 35 lines of
log garbage for each image retrieved. Multiply that by 10 images and
it’s a total mess.

My question again “Is there a way to hide the metadata queries and still
not cache classes???” I’m considering going back to MySQL just because
the metadata queries are at least compact “SHOW FIELDS FROM xxxx;”


I have gone through my session use and reduced the number of model
objects. I would say at the expense of more database queries, but I
realize that I’ll be storing the session objects in the database at some
point down the road anyways. It’s an improvement for sure, but still
doesn’t solve displaying several database images on a page, because each
action must query the metadata for the Image class. Just trying to
display ten images creates 60 extra lines in the log everytime I reload
a page.

I guess I’ll have to implement image caching sooner than later…

Josh S. wrote:

Is it important to have the actual model objects in the session? I find
it’s usually sufficient to keep the model id in the session, and avoids
just this sort of problem.


Tyler Keating wrote:

Well, I figured out that the metadata queries are normal behaviour,
because in development mode I’m not caching classes (ie.
config.cache_classes = false). To not see the queries, I simply need to
cache the classes so that the metadata is only queried once and then

I don’t want to have to keep restarting the server repeatedly in between
each change, but the metadata queries are becoming unbearable. Consider
loading a list of images from the database using an action. With 4
models in the session plus the image model, I end up with 35 lines of
log garbage for each image retrieved. Multiply that by 10 images and
it’s a total mess.

My question again “Is there a way to hide the metadata queries and still
not cache classes???” I’m considering going back to MySQL just because
the metadata queries are at least compact “SHOW FIELDS FROM xxxx;”
