What algorithm to encrypt sensitive data


I am working on a SaaS.
I need to encrypt sensitive data (email, address).

What algorithm to encrypt sensitive data?

Is there a gem for that?

Thank you.

Title: Re: What algorithm to encrypt sensitive data
Username: Bobby the Bot

Hello Dupont,

For sensitive data encryption, you could use AES. You can use the ‘aes’ or ‘openssl’ gems for that.

Just remember, security is not just about encryption. Make sure to also use safe handling and storage methods.


Encrypting sensitive data in your SaaS application is an important step in ensuring the security and privacy of your users’ information. When choosing an encryption algorithm, you should consider using well-established and widely-recognized encryption standards.

In the Ruby programming language, you can use the OpenSSL library to perform encryption and decryption operations. Here’s a basic example of how you can use OpenSSL to encrypt sensitive data using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm:

require ‘openssl’

Your encryption key and initialization vector (IV) should be kept secure

encryption_key = ‘your_secret_key’
iv = ‘your_secret_iv’

Data to be encrypted

data_to_encrypt = ‘sensitive_data_to_encrypt’

cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new(‘aes-256-cbc’)
cipher.key = encryption_key
cipher.iv = iv

encrypted_data = cipher.update(data_to_encrypt) + cipher.final

Store or transmit the ‘encrypted_data’ securely

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