I have a call to validates_presence_of in my model and it is behaving
my first stab when this happened during testing was
validates_presence_of :impact, :ease_to_implement if Proc.new { |record|
!record.cost_estimate.nil? }
I have three values in my model that I care about with this one.
what I’m trying to get to happen is
if one is there they all must be there. (there are a couple more of
validates_presence_of with the orders swapped around)
but this executes the validation every time regardless of if there is
any of
these set.
From here I tried some other things… The most basic that I tried was
validates_presence_of :impact if Proc.new{ false }
and also
validates_presence_of :impact if Proc.new{ true }
and the validation still happened in my test. (also in the console)
What is going on??
Windoze XP
ruby 1.8.4
rails 1.1.2