I just started messing around with Ruby and so far it’s been great.
Somehow I’ve stepped into some weird error I can’t understand nor solve
it… I’ve been trying to google about it but with no results…
Here’s what’s going on:
I’ve got a file structure which is like:
4 bytes - Number of entries
For number of entries : 300 bytes of information… several integers,
longs, floats, strings…
If I do:
theFile = File.open(‘FilePath’)
infoArray = Array.new
infoEntries = theFile.read(4).unpack(‘V’)[0]
infoEntries.times do |i|
infoArray[i] =
It will go fine until infoArray[33]. After that it won’t work at all!
Let me make myself clear:
I’ve tested it with and without unpack… Several files… And nothing.
I haven’t tested the BinaryStructure thing class yet… But I don’t feel
like using it… It shouldn’t be needed, at least.
[sorry about the double post, accidentaly posted it before finishing it]