Websocket proxying based on Sec-Websocket-Protocol

Hi guys,

I am trying to find if it is possible to proxy a websocket request based
the Sec-Websocket-Protocol. More specific, is there a way to check the
(RFC 6455 - The WebSocket Protocol)
header and proxy to the appropriate host/port according to this header?

A use case would be to proxy to a SIP Connector -SIP Websocket
(specific host and port) when the Sec-Websocket-Protocol = sip.

I checked documentation and forums, but i cannot find any information
relevant to this issue. As far as i can see the Sec-Websocket-Protocol
header is not available to be used in the nginx, just the “Upgrade:
websocket” header.


Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 06:32:04AM -0400, gvag wrote:

I checked documentation and forums, but i cannot find any information
relevant to this issue. As far as i can see the Sec-Websocket-Protocol
header is not available to be used in the nginx, just the “Upgrade:
websocket” header.

You may check Sec-Websocket-Protocol using
$http_sec_websocket_protocol variable (see [1]) and route requests
accordingly. This isn’t specific to websockets and hence not
something discussed in websockets context.

[1] Module ngx_http_core_module

Maxim D.

Thanks a lot for the answer.


Posted at Nginx Forum: