Webservices in rubyonrails

I am new to the rubyonrails. I installed the rails 2.1.2 .
To work on webservices I installed the gem actionwebservice 1.2.6
By seeing in this link

I modified the initializer.rb to load the actionwebservices I add the
following attributes
attr_accessor :action_web_service and
config = Rails::Configuration.new
config.frameworks += [ :action_web_service]
config.action_web_service = Rails::OrderedOptions.new
config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/apis )

Even though I am getting the error uninitialized constant

In order to solve this by seeing in the link

I had executed the command rake rails:freeze:gems ,now also I am
getting the error

uninitialized constant ActionWebService.

can u please solve my problem. how to install actionwebservices and
accesing thosr in rubyonrails

afaik, ActionWebService is old and has been replaced by