Webrick upload file issue


Is there any feature in webrick using which we can upload our files
directly. I am talking about the files which are submitted using


Can anyone help me on this ?

On 11/4/06, name pipe [email protected] wrote:

Can anyone help me on this ?

On 11/3/06, name pipe [email protected] wrote:


Is there any feature in webrick using which we can upload our files
directly. I am talking about the files which are submitted using


Try using cgi lib, http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/cgi/rdoc/index.html

Get multipart form values

require “cgi”
cgi = CGI.new
value = cgi[‘field_name’] # <== value string for ‘field_name’
value.read # <== body of value
value.local_path # <== path to local file of value
value.original_filename # <== original filename of value
value.content_type # <== content_type of value

and value has StringIO or Tempfile class methods.

Now you have to figure out how to connect those two :wink: