Hi all,
I’m trying to benchmark a few HTTP server types on Windows (XP Home,
specifically - don’t ask why), and I’ve hit a snag with this code:
require ‘xmlrpc/server’
require ‘xmlrpc/client’
require ‘benchmark’
class ServerObject < XMLRPC::Server
def initialize
@server.config[:AccessLog] = [[’’, ‘’]]
self.add_handler(‘benchmark.simple’) do
def test
test_obj = ServerObject.new
serving_thread = Thread.new{ test_obj.serve }
client = XMLRPC::Client.new(‘’, ‘/’, ‘8080’)
n = 2000
Benchmark.bmbm(20) do |b|
b.report(‘Direct RPC’) { for i in 1…n;
client.call(‘benchmark.simple’); end }
The problem is that with n that high, I get an
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:562:in initialize': Bad file descriptor - connect(2) (Errno::EBADF) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:562:in
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:535:in `do_rpc’
error during the second round. Looking at netstat -a afterwards, I see
almost every local port in the range 1026-5000 in the TIME_WAIT state.
That’s a suspiciously round number, and I suspect there’s a
‘client_port_max=5000’ setting somewhere. That’s not what bothers me.
Why are these ports waiting, and how can I close them, or reduce their
timeout value? I’d rather not insert 30 second waits all over the place
if that’s enough of a delay…
Any tips? Moving to a different OS is not, unfortunately, an option,
although shifting up to XP Pro might be in a pinch.
2006/6/2, Alex Y. [email protected]:
client.call(‘benchmark.simple’); end }
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:535:in `do_rpc’
although shifting up to XP Pro might be in a pinch.
I guess you were bitten by a limitation in the network handling of
your version of Windows. Only server operating systems are allowed a
high number of incoming connections. I don’t know whether there is a
tweak that will fix this but if not you will have to change OS or the
algorithm (doing sleeps in between for example).
Btw, why did you choose this subject?
Kind regards
Robert K. wrote:
2006/6/2, Alex Y. [email protected]:
Hi all,
I’m trying to benchmark a few HTTP server types on Windows (XP Home,
specifically - don’t ask why), and I’ve hit a snag with this code:
>> error during the second round. Looking at netstat -a afterwards, I see
> I guess you were bitten by a limitation in the network handling of
> your version of Windows. Only server operating systems are allowed a
> high number of incoming connections.
That's fine. I don't need concurrent connections. The problem is, the
connections are hanging around for far longer than I need them. Is
there (likely to be) any way I can explicitly get rid of them, or is the
delay just one of those annoying little 'features' that MS are using to
try to convince me to spend more money?
I don’t know whether there is a
tweak that will fix this but if not you will have to change OS or the
algorithm (doing sleeps in between for example).
Bah. Not what I was after, but I guess if there’s no other way round
Btw, why did you choose this subject?
If you mean the email subject line, I figured that other people out
there must be trying to benchmark WEBrick against other HTTP server
types (mongrel, et al), but not necessarily as a back-end to XMLRPC.
The problem doesn’t seem like it would be limited to XMLRPC to me.
So while your process is still running, the connections are in
and then they vanish as soon as your process dies? That means they are
closed as you expect. A closed TCP connection spends a little time in
TIME_WAIT state, but as I said above, on a localhost connection it’s
very short or zero. Try your program on an actual network connection to
another machine. When your process ends, the TIME_WAITing connections
NOT vanish, but will stick around for a short period of time (usually
not as
long on Windows as on Unix).
It that happens, it’s a sign that you should probably rethink your
Are you sure your connections are being closed after each call to
client.call(…)? You may be hitting a per-process limit on open
descriptors. Are you running netstat while your process is running or
it ends with the EBADF error? If the latter, then try catching EBADF and
in a long sleep, then look at netstat on a different shell. Localhost
connections don’t usually need to spend much time in the TIME_WAIT
Most kernels have hard and soft limits on the number of connections that
be in an any state, including TIME_WAIT, but I don’t know what those
are in XP Home. Have you tried making 1000 calls, then waiting for a
then making 1000 more, and so on? I’m proposing that as an experiment,
as a solution. I would expect that you’ll see the TIME_WAITing
drain out during the sleep interval. I’m still a little surprised that
you’re seeing this with localhost connections though. By definition, the
kernel knows the location of all the network segments in a localhost
connection so it shouldn’t need to spend much time in TIME_WAIT.
What’s the value of TCPTimedWaitDelay in your registry?