WEBrick makes 2 different HTTP calls

Hi everyone,

Can anyone help explain what the first set of numbers in WEBrick “Get”
calls refers to?

For example what is the 500 in the following: “Get /admin HTTP/1.1” 500

Compared to the 200 in the following: “Get /admin HTTP/1.1” 200

The only code I have running is the scaffold code that rails creates.

I’m guessing that WEBrick is referring to 2 different locations possibly
from multiple installs.

In more detail:

First browser call to /Admin shows correct form; - And WEBrick reports:

“Get /admin HTTP/1.1” 200 485 - -> /admin

Subsequent browser calls to /Admin show:
NoMethodError in AdminController#index
undefined method `each’ for #Mysql:0x37aba80

  • And WEBrick reports:

“Get /admin HTTP/1.1” 500 10767 - -> /admin

First browser call to /Admin/new shows correct form for editing; - And
WEBrick reports:

“Get /admin/new HTTP/1.1” 200 10767 - -> /admin/new

Subsequent browswer calls to /Admin/new show:
NoMethodError in AdminController#new
undefined method `each’ for #Mysql:0x376d7e8
RAILS_ROOT: ./script/…/config/…

  • And WEBrick reports:

“Get /admin/new HTTP/1.1” 500 9798 - -> /admin/new

So the first calls produce a “Get…200…” and the right browser
Subsequent calls produce a “Get…500…” and “NoMethodError”

Thanks for any input,

Joe Noobie

I think the numbers your asking about are HTTP status codes. 200 means
‘OK’ , 500 is a server error.

As far as the problem you’re seeing, I think this was figured out


On 25/08/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

I think the numbers your asking about are HTTP status codes. 200 means
‘OK’ , 500 is a server error.

A list of said status codes may be found in RFC2616, section 10 [1]

Hasan D. [email protected]

  1. HTTP/1.1: Status Code Definitions