Webmail gem?

Hello all :slight_smile:

I’m looking GEM (or tutorial), who help to receive an application RAILS
emails from gmail or yahoo.

There are any ready solution? I can not find anything like that.

I’m not looking for something like Roundcube. Application must only
receives (send) email.

Sorry for my English. I try to do my best, but I’m still making mistakes

I’m not certain exactly what you are looking for, but this is the first
result I got on google. I didn’t try it, but it’s looking good and
includes many code samples:


Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server - Requires SSL: imap.gmail.com
Port: 993
Requires SSL:Yes
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - Requires TLS: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 465 or 587
Requires SSL: Yes
Requires authentication: Yes
Use same settings as incoming mail server
Full Name or Display Name: [your name]
Account Name or User Name: your full Gmail address ([email protected]). >
Google Apps users, please enter username@your_domain.com
Email address: your full Gmail address ([email protected])
Google Apps users, please enter username@your_domain.com
Password: your Gmail password


Incoming Mail (POP3) Server - requires SSL: pop.gmail.com
Use SSL: Yes
Port: 995
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS or SSL: smtp.gmail.com
Use Authentication: Yes
Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587
Port for SSL: 465
Server timeouts Greater than 1 minute, we recommend 5
Full Name or Display Name: [your name]
Account Name or User Name: your full email address
(including @gmail.com or @your_domain.com)
Email Address: your email address
([email protected] or username@your_domain.com)
Password: your Gmail password

More gems here Category: E-Mail Delivery - The Ruby Toolbox and via

Yes, the Mail gem is very commonly used. I use it in my programs as

Thanks :slight_smile: I try this gem